NorESMhub / CTSM

Community Terrestrial Systems Model (includes the Community Land Model of CESM)
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udpates for pelayouts and beginning of testdefs #27

Closed mvertens closed 1 year ago

mvertens commented 1 year ago

Description of changes

Specific notes

Contributors other than yourself, if any:

CTSM Issues Fixed (include github issue #):

Are answers expected to change (and if so in what way)?

Any User Interface Changes (namelist or namelist defaults changes)?

Testing performed, if any: (List what testing you did to show your changes worked as expected) (This can be manual testing or running of the different test suites) (Documentation on system testing is here: (aux_clm on cheyenne for gnu/pgi and hobart for gnu/pgi/nag is the standard for tags on master)

NOTE: Be sure to check your Coding style against the standard:

mvertens commented 1 year ago

This PR was closed since the changes were incorporated into PR #30