NorESMhub / CTSM

Community Terrestrial Systems Model (includes the Community Land Model of CESM)
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Define and carry out CTSM/Fates F and B compset simulations with NorESM3alpha #34

Open mvertens opened 9 months ago

mvertens commented 9 months ago

NOTE: Be sure to read the relevant documentation and user forums

We have limited staff and ability to provide support. Here are some resources that might provide help:

Details of support request

[Fill in details here.]

Important details of your setup / configuration so we can better assist you

CTSM version you are using: [output of git describe]

Have you made any modifications to code, xml files, etc.? [Yes / No]

[If Yes: Please point us to your modifications. However: In general we can NOT support problems with modified code. Try to show the problem without modifications.]

If you are having problems with a specific case: Is your case on a machine accessible to most CTSM developers (e.g., an NCAR machine)? [Yes / No]

If Yes:

[If No: Please make sure you have included all important input and output needed to understand your issue, either by pasting it into the issue text, or by attaching relevant files. However: We are less likely to be able to reproduce your problem if the issue is NOT on an NCAR machine.]

mvdebolskiy commented 4 months ago

@mvertens NorESMhub/CTSM branch with two-stream turned on: feature/fates-twostream-param.