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List of common compset names #315

Closed adagj closed 2 years ago

adagj commented 2 years ago

Add a list of the most used predefined compsets (DECK, SSPs, more? ) for new users in the documentation (good to have for the noresm user workshop):

@DirkOlivie @lisesg @matsbn @oyvindseland , which compsets are most used? Do you think it is sufficient to list the ones below, or do we need to list all compsets? I mean they can check the config_compsets.xml for more advances stuff.

Coupled: DECK:


AMIPS/fixed SSTs: @DirkOlivie Please add/change these compsets, I'm not sure which of these are most used or most useful:

Do we want to add OMIPs as well? @matsbn please add here.

oyvindseland commented 2 years ago

DECK and SSP is fine. More importantly I think is to explain the frc2 and include them in the name and perhaps only use frc2 where it is available

Important AMIP: NF1850norbc / NF1850frc2norbc and NF1850norbc_aer2014 / F1850frc2norbc_aer2014 Prescribed SST from NorESM piControl. 1850 and 2014 aerosol emissions. Used for calculating ERF.

NF2000climo (constant year 2000 forcing?) Should be fixed but does not work now.

I mean they can check the config_compsets.xml for more advances stuff.

Yes I agreee but you should point out that there are diffferent config_compsets.xml files , coupled compsets and component model compsets.

adagj commented 2 years ago

Thanks @oyvindseland ! There is a description about coupled and component compsets in 2.1.1. Compsets

There is also a description about frc2 in 2.1.1:

 frc2 compsets: The frc2 option uses differently organized emission files. The frc2 files are located in

 The frc2 files were created to avoid the occurrence of random mid-month model crashes. These crashes are related to 
 the reading of emission files, but are still under investigation. To make sure that you are using the frc2 files, choose a 
 compsets including frc2 or if you want to create a new compset add

but we may need to have a separate section about compsets and frc2 to make it more accessible. It's not working so well as it is now I think.

adagj commented 2 years ago

Included in