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Zero ground water recharge in CMIP6 results #531

Open oyvindseland opened 2 months ago

oyvindseland commented 2 months ago

I am forwarding a question from Post Doc Hrusikesha Pradhan on recharge in the land model

"We are working on a project that requires CMIP6 recharge data (qgwr variable). While downloading the qgwr variable (.nc files) for various SSP scenarios from CMIP6 data, we found that all the entries in the NetCDF files are zero. We verified this issue by downloading qgwr data for multiple SSP scenarios, and in each case, all entries were zero. Could you please share your thoughts on this issue and advise us on how to proceed?"

I checked a number of randomly selected output files and the original variable QCHARGE is also zero. Does this mean that any parameterisation calculating this process is not turned on, or can it actually be zero?

kjetilaas commented 2 months ago

Hi @oyvindseland! You are correct that we do not calculate this flux. We run with a specified bedrock depth where there is a zero flux lower boundary condition. I am not sure why this variable have been cmorized, but it would probably be best to remove it.

HrusikeshaPradhan commented 1 month ago

Hi @kjetilaas,

I am Hrusikesha and had this query as I was planning to use the CMIP6 recharge data (qgwr variable). To summarize what you said, does this mean that the qgwr variable has zero values because the model does not calculate groundwater recharge due to its setup and boundary conditions? Is the conclusion then that CMIP6 recharge data is not available for use?

Thank you for your help.

kjetilaas commented 1 month ago

Yes! That is correct.