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Code of conduct #535

Open adagj opened 1 month ago

adagj commented 1 month ago

I think a code of conduct for the NorESM community should be added. I think the Atmosphere Working Group has a nice example:

Any inputs? Would be good to have in place before the September meeting.

TomasTorsvik commented 1 month ago

Hi @adagj , thanks for bringing this up. I see that it could be useful to explicitly state a code of conduct for the NorESM community, but how will it work in practice? Hopefully, we will not have a problem of this sort, but if there are complaints, we need to have some procedures in place to handle them.

If there is a conflict in the NorESM community, I think it will be useful to have clarified the roles and procedures before hand.

tjiputra commented 1 month ago

I support this. In addition to Tomas' feedback, it would be good to report 'anonymously'.

@TomasTorsvik, perhaps a rotating committee with representation from each partner.

MichaelSchulzMETNO commented 1 month ago

I support this, the text from the AMWG is very good. I believe that the NCC consortium and their representatives have to take responsibility for any follow up on any complaint. Which means that the NCC institute representatives have to discuss this (also).

oyvindseland commented 1 month ago

I agree that the text at AMWG is good, but I think it will be hard to use it for anything except good intentions. Since any project obligations is on the institutions not individuals, the code of conduct must also be accepted on an institutional level. How to respond to/treat any complaints is also an issue, but can likely be done be done with a group of partner representatives e.g. following the suggestion from Jerry. I tried to look at the AMWG complaint form btw and it was not accessible.

JorgSchwinger commented 1 month ago

I also support this. I also like the example of the Atmosphere Working Group - it is concise and clear. I also agree that we then need a good way of reporting and a well defined responsibility for following up reports.

adagj commented 1 month ago

Thanks you so much for commenting. We'll address this in the upcoming NCC meeting @matsbn