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Sik-Ho Tang | Brief Review -- Self-Supervised Feature Learning by Learning to Spot Artifacts. #136

Open NorbertZheng opened 11 months ago

NorbertZheng commented 11 months ago

Sik-Ho Tang. Brief Review — Self-Supervised Feature Learning by Learning to Spot Artifacts.

NorbertZheng commented 11 months ago


Use GAN to Spot Artifact, Pretrained Discriminator Uses for Downstream Tasks.

image A mixture of real images (green border) and images with synthetic artifacts (red border). Is a good object representation necessary to tell them apart?

Self-Supervised Feature Learning by Learning to Spot Artifacts, Spot Artifacts, by University of Bern, 2018 CVPR, Over 100 Citations ( Sik-Ho Tsang @ Medium). Self-Supervised Learning, GAN, Image Classification, Object Detection.

NorbertZheng commented 11 months ago

require prior knowledge...