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EI-Balance Network. #27

Closed NorbertZheng closed 2 years ago

NorbertZheng commented 2 years ago

Related Reference

NorbertZheng commented 2 years ago

Historical Note

Rate Coding vs. Temporal Coding

Integrate-and-fire neurons unable to replicate irregular firing of cortical cells.

Softky et. al. find that


A balance of excitation and inhibition yields an irregular firing pattern.

Shadlen et. al. find that


NorbertZheng commented 2 years ago

Biological Evidence

Excitatory synapses outnumber inhibitory synapses by 6:1, but inhibitory synapses/neurons have

Direct evidence is found by Xue et. al.

NorbertZheng commented 2 years ago

EI-Balance Network

Based on Shadlen et. al., Vreeswijk et. al. investigates whether needs fine-tuning of parameters and computational benefits. image

Neuron Dynamics

$\Theta(.)$ is Heaviside function.

$$ \sigma{k}^{i}(t)=\Theta\left(u{k}^{i}(t)\right) $$

$$ u{k}^{i}(t)=\Sigma{l=1}^{2}\Sigma{j=1}^{N{l}}J{kl}^{ij}\sigma{l}^{j}(t)+u{k}^{0}-\theta{k} $$

$$ J{EE}=J{IE}=1; J{E}=-J{EI}; J{I}=-J{II} $$

Mean activity $m_{k}^{i}(t)$

$$ m{k}^{i}(t)=\left<\sigma{k}^{i}(t)\right> $$

Mean-field results

$$ u{E}=(Em{0}+m{E}-J{E}m{I})\sqrt{K}-\theta_{E} $$

$$ u{I}=(Im{0}+m{E}-J{I}m{I})\sqrt{K}-\theta{I} $$

Balanced state necessary condition: $0 < m < 1$ even when $K$ is large.

$$ Em{0}+m{E}-J{E}m{I}=O(\frac{1}{\sqrt{K}}) $$

$$ Im{0}+m{E}-J{I}m{I}=O(\frac{1}{\sqrt{K}}) $$

Then, we get

$$ m{E}=\frac{J{I}E-J{E}I}{J{E}-J{I}}m{0}=A{E}m{0} $$

$$ m{I}=\frac{E-I}{J{E}-J{I}}m{0}=A{I}m{0} $$

And the requirements are

$$ m{E}>0; m{I} > 0 $$

$$ \frac{E}{I}>\frac{J{E}}{J{I}}>1 $$

$$ J_{E}>1 $$

NorbertZheng commented 2 years ago

Mean-field analysis of stable stationary population firing rates $m_{k}^{i}(t)$

Dynamics (Ginzhurg \& Sompolinsky, 1994)

$$ \tau{k}\frac{d}{dt}m{k}^{i}(t)=-m{k}^{i}(t)+\Theta\left(u{k}^{i}(t)\right) $$

Rewriting $u{k}^{i}(t)$ image , where $p{l}(n{l})$ is the probability of receiving $n{l}$ spikes from population $l$. image image

Now, we get the following conclusions

NorbertZheng commented 2 years ago

On the Fast Response Property

Huang et. al. find that

NorbertZheng commented 2 years ago

More on the Sparse Assumption


NorbertZheng commented 2 years ago


Parametric spatial working memory


Mitigate unreliability in Poisson coding
