Norbit4 / DiscordMc

Plugin to comunicate minecraft server with discord server
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Syncing Accounts: You do not have permission #2

Closed matthewkeller36 closed 1 year ago

matthewkeller36 commented 1 year ago

When attempting to sync accounts, I am successfully able to do so on the Discord side. However, attempting to sync, using /discordmc sync gives me the error message "You don't have permissions". Is there a line in my config I may be missing? none of the documentations mentions anything about modifying it but I could be wrong.

Norbit4 commented 1 year ago

You need to add permissions to your permissions plugin.

Commands permissions can be found here:

matthewkeller36 commented 1 year ago

I see. This is something new to me. Could you give an example of how to configure the YAML file such that one user (or varying levels of users) would be able to execute the different commands? Thank you

Norbit4 commented 1 year ago

You need a permissions plugin for this, I recommend this one:

tutorial video:

matthewkeller36 commented 1 year ago

Thanks! It looks as though that solved the issue. However, attempting to send messages from Discord to the Server seems to be deleting the message and just sending a blank message. Do you know of other reasons that may be happening?

Norbit4 commented 1 year ago

could you send a screenshot, config.yml and server logs?

Valtikss commented 1 year ago

I have the same, an empty message when I send from Discord

Valtikss commented 1 year ago


DiscordMc by Norbit4



[bot config]



enable: true prefix-command: 'discordmc' sync-command-arg: 'sync' sync-command-clear-arg: 'syncclear' bot-token: 'MY_TOKEN' bot-activity: '' discord-server-id: 'MY_DISCORD_ID'

types: local/mysql/mongodb

database-type: 'local' host: '' port: 3306 user: '' password: '' database: '' ssl: false

embed-profile-title: 'Profile'



discord rank sync

sync-rank-enable: true

discord name sync (set discord user mc name)

this option need enabled 'sync-rank-enabled'

nick sync does not work for the discord server owner, it is specific to discord servers!

sync-name: false

wiki sync roles:


namemc-non-premium: 'Le joueur n est pas premium' player-offline-status: 'Déconnecté' player-online-status: 'Connecté' user-in-not-sync: 'Vous n êtes pas synchronisé ! Utilises /sync pour synchroniser vos comptes !' arg-user-in-not-sync: 'Cet utilisateur n est pas synchronisé !' embed-profile-rgb:




discord embeds colors

warn-message-tittle: 'ATTENTION' warn-message-rgb:


success-message-tittle: 'SUCCÈS' success-message-rgb:

error-message-tittle: 'ERREUR' error-message-rgb:

discord messages

player-is-sync: 'Ce joueur est synchronisé !' discord-user-is-sync: 'Tu es synchronisé !' offline-player: 'Ce joueur est déconnecté !' sync-info: 'Tapez /{PREFIX} {ARG1} dans le chat minecraft pour synchroniser vos comptes !' sync-success: 'Le joueur {PLAYER} a été synchronisé avec le compte : {DISCORD}!'

minecraft messages

permission-message: '&cVous n avez pas les permissions !' sync-info-mc: '&7Tapez &8/&b{PREFIX} {ARG1} &7pour connecter votre compte avec&a {DISCORD}' sync-success-mc: '&aSuccess! &7Le compte a été synchronisé avec &c{DISCORD}!' sync-clear-mc: '&aSuccess! &7La synchronisation a été effacée !' sync-time-out: '&7Vous n avez pas de synchronisation en attente !'

wrong-args-message: '&7Utilise : &8/&b{PREFIX} &a{ARG1} &8<&a{ARG2}&8>'






discord-chat-module: true channel-chat-id: 'ID_CHANNEL'


command-chat-change-arg: 'canal' minecraft-chat-arg: 'mc' discord-chat-arg: 'dc' channel-change-message: '&7Le canal a été remplacé par : &a{CHANNEL}'

minecraft server chat

discord-prefix: '&d[DC] ' mc-prefix: '&a[MC] ' message-mark: '&7: ' message-color: '&7' nick-color: '&f'

discord channel chat

discord-message-mark: ': '

embeds color






help: https://github:com/Norbit4/DiscordMc/wiki/Console-module

discord-console-module: true channel-console-id: 'ID_CHANNEL'

allowed commands in discord console

discord-console-commands: true

allowed to display info discord console

discord-console-display: true

block-error-messages: false

blocked commands in discord console






discord-info-module: true channel-info-id: 'ID_CHANNEL'

message info reload time in seconds, min time: 20s (for safe)

message-reload-time: 30


folders ignored when creating worlds list






PlaceholderAPI support:

embed-tittle: '' embed-desc: '' embed-info:


false-info: 'false' true-info: 'true'`

Norbit4 commented 1 year ago

what server version are you using?