Norbyte / ositools

Advanced scripting and mod support for Divinity Original Sin 2
MIT License
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Doesn't work without internet access, can't launch the game. #112

Open WitchDoctorVoodoo opened 1 year ago

WitchDoctorVoodoo commented 1 year ago

Operating System


Extender Version


Game Version


Bug Summary

Self-explanatory title. The game refuses to launch with script extender when my internet is down, which is a huge issue for me, because in Ukraine it's down really damn often lately, for obvious reason, and mobile hotspot is not even an option. Tried it, it's just not good enough.

A bit more descriptive: I try to launch the game. Either through Steam, in Steam offline mode, without steam - tried it all, and the loading seemingly takes much longer to get through certain parts. It then gives an error about failing to update (see the screenshot), which shouldn't be that big of an issue. I skip it, and the long loading continues. After that, several steps go through, and right after "Loading Stats", or something like that (don't remember exactly, maybe I'll edit the post later) - it CTDs without any explanation or error messages.

Love this thing, it greatly improves loading times, and the save reload crash can be bypassed by going into main menu and then loading the save, buuuuuut the fact that it makes the game online-only for me because of some weird autoupdate mechanics is... Strange.

Please look into this. I've seen several posts here with a similar issue, and they were left without a reply.



No response

Norbyte commented 1 year ago


The extender should work without updates in general. The only case where it will show this error outside of the game is when loading the main menu takes longer than 60 seconds. The other issue is probably tied to the same cause, i.e. long loading times. I'll likely adjust the timeout to be 3 minutes or so to allow it to handle slower loads.

WitchDoctorVoodoo commented 1 year ago

@Norbyte The weird thing is - it loads for a long time ONLY without internet. When my connection is working - it launches really damn quick. Maybe it's a quirk of the game itself, and not the script loader, I'm not sure.

Right now I try to catch a moment when my internet is working, launch the game, and then try my damn hardest to not let it crash, cuz I would be unable to launch it again :vv

Edit: Oh nvm, I got it. Doesn't seem all that weird right now, and it makes sense. Thank you for the reply!

RyanJosey commented 1 year ago

Hi @Norbyte I am getting hit with the same exact error message, even though I am connected to the internet. I have never used the script extender before, so I am not sure if I need to download v52, and then replace the dxgi.dll file with the one from Updater v5? I have been itching to play with modded classes, but the mod that lets party members have modded classes needs this script extender. I don't think it is taking longer than 60 seconds to load the main menu, but if that is truly the thing causing the problem, would uninstalling it off my hdd and reinstalling it on my ssd fix it (because ssd's reduce load times) Any help would be appreciated!

RyanJosey commented 1 year ago

Hi @Norbyte I am getting hit with the same exact error message, even though I am connected to the internet. I have never used the script extender before, so I am not sure if I need to download v52, and then replace the dxgi.dll file with the one from Updater v5? I have been itching to play with modded classes, but the mod that lets party members have modded classes needs this script extender. I don't think it is taking longer than 60 seconds to load the main menu, but if that is truly the thing causing the problem, would uninstalling it off my hdd and reinstalling it on my ssd fix it (because ssd's reduce load times) Any help would be appreciated!

Ok so I uninstalled it and reinstalled it on my ssd and that seemed to work