Norbyte / ositools

Advanced scripting and mod support for Divinity Original Sin 2
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How can I (as a player) diagnose compilation errors? #140

Open Kvoo opened 1 month ago

Kvoo commented 1 month ago

Operating System


Extender Version


Game Version


Bug Summary

The console gives me 85 errors and 207 warnings in compilation. I checked the compilation log, but it isn't telling me anything I can act on, like which mod causes the errors.

The weird thing is that usually, the first time I start the game after boot, I get no compilation errors. But every subsequent game load gives me the errors. I don't even have that many mods enabled, and even with the errors everything seems to be working fine, but I'd like to avoid unpleasant surprises.

I attached the logfiles here, can anyone help me with this?

The Osiris runtime mod is unfortunately too big to upload here (68.8MB), pastebin wouldn't accept it either.


Compile 2024-05-26 12-45-24.log Extender Runtime 2024-05-26 12-45-20.log

PinewoodPip commented 1 month ago

How can I (as a player) diagnose compilation errors?

In this case, you can't; this seems to be an extender issue. The bug here is that the osiris symbols added by the extender (and custom queries added via lua) fail to be recognized on session reload.

I've seen this reported I think on like 2 other occasions within the past 6 months, so it might be an issue introduced in v60 somehow.

everything seems to be working fine, but I'd like to avoid unpleasant surprises.

If the game fails to build the osiris scripts it uses the ones that were in the savefile, however in this case it's quite likely that the extender ones no longer do anything, which would break any logic that uses them.