Norconex / committer-solr

Solr implementation of Norconex Committer. Should also work with any Solr-based products, such as LucidWorks.
Apache License 2.0
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SolrCommitter does not support Solr behind Basic Auth #14

Closed douglas-andrew-harley closed 4 years ago

douglas-andrew-harley commented 6 years ago

After overcoming my previous bad certs issues ( I was still stuck with the fact that I couldn't commit docs to a SolrCloud cluster that lives behind an NGINX basic auth-secured reverse proxy. I tried specifying the username/password in the Solr URL, like this: https://'my_user:my_user's_crazy_pa55wurd!'@my_solr_host/solr/my_collection

...and also adding authUsername/authPassword to the httpClientFactory (that is only used by the HTTP Collector apparently):

        <authPassword>my_user's_crazy_pa55wurd!</authPassword >

...but neither approach worked. In the end, in order to get around this issue, I had to add a special location to my NGINX reverse-proxy config to allow unauthenticated access to Solr from only the host my crawler runs on:

location /crawler-access/solr/ {
    deny        all;

    proxy_pass https://my_solr_host:8983/solr/;

    # shared proxy settings
    include /etc/nginx/solr_proxy.conf;

It would be great if authetication support could be added to the SolrCommitter, but until then the NGINX workaround is fine.

Thanks, Doug

essiembre commented 6 years ago

You are correct stating it won't work with httpClientFactory, as this option is for authenticating to websites you crawl. It would be useful to add basic authentication support so I am marking as a feature request.

In the meantime, I am not sure how well you know your Java, but the SolrCommitter class takes an optional ISolrServerFactory argument where you can control how the SolrClient is built.

essiembre commented 4 years ago

Basic auth now supported in the latest release.