Norconex / crawlers

Norconex Crawlers (or spiders) are flexible web and filesystem crawlers for collecting, parsing, and manipulating data from the web or filesystem to various data repositories such as search engines.
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Issues of deleting existing documents & long URL #382

Closed umeshkalia closed 7 years ago

umeshkalia commented 7 years ago

I am trying to crawl one of my website using Norconex collector-http and committer to submit documents to AWS Cloudsearch. I have made good progress but facing some issues as described below:

  1. In my first attempt, I have crawled few documents of website and submitted to AWS Cloudsearch. Later, I found that some of documents with URL having text "cite-my-term" should not have been crawled. So, I added following code in my config.xml file.

<filter class="com.norconex.collector.core.filter.impl.RegexReferenceFilter" onMatch="exclude"> .*cite-my-term.* </filter>

Now, my HTTP-collector rejects any URL containing "cite-my-term" when I start new crawl, which is very good. But problem is that how can I delete documents with url containing "cite-my-term" already committed to AWS Cloudsearch? I can still see these documents in AWS Cloudsearch.

  1. Another problem I am facing with a long URL

While committing this URL, I get following exception and operations breaks:

com.norconex.committer.core.CommitterException: Could not upload request to CloudSearch: { [""id" must be less than 128 characters

I tried to add following in my configuration file, but did not get success: `

removeFragment, lowerCaseSchemeHost, upperCaseEscapeSequence, decodeUnreservedCharacters, removeDefaultPort, encodeNonURICharacters, removeDotSegments, encodeNonURICharacters, addWWW


Please suggest solutions to these issues asap.

Thanks in advance.

essiembre commented 7 years ago

1) It is not always possible to have all post-index configuration changes reflected in your index. In this case, I would test setting the following in your crawler config:


If that does not work, I am afraid you will have to query CloudSearch for the ids to delete yourself. You may also start a fresh crawl on a brand new index with your new config.

2) The CloudSearch max ID length is quite limited. Using the URLNormalizer, you could have a custom replacements that will truncate long URLs. You are recommended to store the URL in a different field also, that will not be truncated. Unfortunately, the truncation may create duplicates so you may have to be careful what you "cut" from long URLs. Example (not tested):

      <!-- to keep begining -->
      <!-- to keep end -->

You could also use a UUIDTagger from the importer module, but unfortunately, it will be a new one each time a document is crawled, which is no good for detecting changes/deletions. You can investigate creating your own URLNormalizer too, that would convert URLs to a hash of some kind (like those URL shortener services), or assign new URLs to to a sequence id maintained in some database.

umeshkalia commented 7 years ago

Both of your solutions worked GREAT.

I used UUID for unique Document ID instead of URL and stored URL in other field at aws cloudsearch.

Thanks a lot :)

essiembre commented 7 years ago

You're welcome.