Norconex / crawlers

Norconex Crawlers (or spiders) are flexible web and filesystem crawlers for collecting, parsing, and manipulating data from the web or filesystem to various data repositories such as search engines.
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Questions about DOMTagger - XPath & html #683

Closed svanschalkwyk closed 4 years ago

svanschalkwyk commented 4 years ago

Hi Pascal. For some reason I cannot get XML parsing to work (see below), and only some of my html tags are working. What am I doing wrong?

    <tagger class="com.norconex.importer.handler.tagger.impl.DOMTagger" parser="xml">
        <dom selector="/html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div/div/section/section/div/div[3]/span/div/div[1]/ul/li[2]/div/div[2]/div[4]" toField="p_test" />
    <tagger class="com.norconex.importer.handler.tagger.impl.DOMTagger" parser="html" >
        <dom selector=".productTile__itemTitle___3B03g div" toField="p_name" />
        <dom selector="[data-automation-id=ingredients] div" toField="p_ingredients" />
        <dom selector=".productTile__imageLinkOld___2SLBT" toField="p_similar_products" />
        <dom selector="" toField="p_images" />
        <dom selector="NutritionFacts__nutritionFacts___18C6B" toField="p_nutrition_table" />
essiembre commented 4 years ago

Other than suggesting you try with parser="xml" for both taggers, I cannot tell just looking at this snipper. Can you share your full config with a sample page to reproduce the issue?

svanschalkwyk commented 4 years ago

Does this help? These don't work:

    <tagger class="com.norconex.importer.handler.tagger.impl.DOMTagger"  parser="html" >
        <dom toField="p_serving_size" selector="[class^=NutritionFacts__ssRowTwo___] h3" extract="html"/>
        <dom toField="p_servings_per" selector="[class^=NutritionFacts__ssRowOne___]" extract="html"/>
        <dom toField="p_calories" selector="span.NutritionFacts__calories___vQPc7" extract="html"/>
        <dom toField="p_nutrition_table" selector="[class^=NutritionFacts__nutrientTable___]" extract="html"/>
        <dom toField="p_price_per" selector=".ProductPage__pricePerUnitOG___7fJIU" extract="html" />
svanschalkwyk commented 4 years ago

Those fields are not appearing in the html - I need to investigate further. Thanks.

svanschalkwyk commented 4 years ago

There is something I don't understand: The inspect function of Chrome shows different html from the connector-downloaded html files. There are vastly different classes in the downloaded html. What am I not understanding?

essiembre commented 4 years ago

Could it be that the site you crawl is JavaScript-driven? I.e., lots of the content is pulled via Ajax calls? If so you may need a different strategy for crawling. Either crawl the API that JavaScript is calling or use a browser-based approach. Version 2.x of the HTTP Collector relies on PhantomJS for a JavaScript interpreter. See PhantomJSDocumentFetcher. Unfortunately, PhantomJS is no longer being maintained and it has trouble with latest Javascript specs so your mileage may vary. Upcoming version 3 has popular browser support but it is not out yet.

Please create a new ticket for new questions not related to this one (DOMTagger).

svanschalkwyk commented 4 years ago

Hi Pascal I have been using PhantomJS. I didn't realise it had issues already. Thanks!