Nordgaren / ERBingoRandomizer

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ME2 not applying menu.msgbnd.dcx #6

Open ShaneD20 opened 1 month ago

ShaneD20 commented 1 month ago

I made a fork to maintain a version of the randomizer for a few Elden Ring bingo groups after the initial DLC updates.

Nordgaren commented 1 month ago

This is clearly an ME2 problem...

ShaneD20 commented 1 month ago

Yeah, that's my concern. I was hoping you might have some insight. All good though.

Nordgaren commented 1 month ago

Actually, I might. I take back what I said :fatcat:

But IDK how soon I can get to it. I am working on the next season and I am incredibly ill right now. If I find a way to fix it for next season, I will merge the changes in, and let you know.

ShaneD20 commented 1 month ago

I hope you recover from your illness soon. (Whether you focus on this or another project after is up to you, again I hope you have a swift and comfortable recovery)

Nordgaren commented 5 days ago

It's because the game uses the dlc bnds, now, and not the originals. I'll post the update today, but I can't test the implementation I have on this particular repo, but it should be fine.

Also to note, there's really not any accounting for DLC at all in this, so, none of that is gonna be touched. I have been doing pretty awful, lately, unfortunately. Sick every morning. Trying to get normal work done to stay afloat, and my main mod, ErdTools, is broken.

ShaneD20 commented 5 days ago

In early testing updating MenuMsgBNDPath has fixed the issue.

I haven't done any testing with updating ItemMsgBNDPath yet, but I'm going to investigate if it might affect another bug I was working on (potentially).

Many thank yous Nord, I really appreciate this!

I'm sorry to hear you're still going through this. I hope you can get relief soon and I hope things go well with ErdTools.

Nordgaren commented 4 days ago

Had you updated SoulsFormats for usage with the new param format? I was trying to add Ivis SoulsFormatsNEXT, but, I can't use the SFUtil in that, so, I might need to make my own fork, or ask Ivi if they can make it public. I don't know if I can inherit from a static class, or inherit static functions from a class. haven't tried it, yet.

Nordgaren commented 4 days ago

Nope. can't inherit from ParamUtil (which is the one I actually need)

ShaneD20 commented 3 days ago

I'm still new to souls modding, so I only got enough updated in SoulsFormats for the new compression type. I've only recently got somewhat comfortable with the params in base-game. If I come across a solution I will let you know.

Nordgaren commented 3 days ago

My suggestion would be to use this fork of SoulsFormats. You will just need to make the ParamUtil public and maybe another class.. I'll post an update later. I have to add it as a submodule.

ShaneD20 commented 1 day ago

I'll take your advice on this. I'll try to implement it when I have the time to invest in updating to SoulsFormatsNext.