Nordgaren / Elden-Ring-Debug-Tool

Debug tool for Elden Ring modding
GNU General Public License v3.0
108 stars 18 forks source link

Closes instantly when the games open #68

Open bloosmallspark opened 1 week ago

bloosmallspark commented 1 week ago

Whenever i open the game it will close instantly and i need it so i can stop the endless loading loop

DoomyBlood commented 1 week ago

Having the same problem here

AChickenPig commented 1 week ago

yeah same exact problem with me

AydinBiber commented 6 days ago

Same here. I tried an older version and that doesn't work either.

AydinBiber commented 6 days ago

So I managed to get it working. I just started the application in Visual Studio 2022 and used it from there.

Elprost commented 6 days ago

And how do you do that?

AydinBiber-Dekker commented 6 days ago

And how do you do that?

PierceJ16 commented 6 days ago

And how do you do that?

  • Download Visual Studio
  • Make sure the option for .NET is checked in the installer (it should include WPF)
  • When done, download the source code here and open the .sln file (this should start VS)
  • Run it once Elden Ring is running

Okay now how do I run it, I am not well versed in VS and cannot find how to run it at all.

AydinBiber-Dekker commented 6 days ago

And how do you do that?

  • Download Visual Studio
  • Make sure the option for .NET is checked in the installer (it should include WPF)
  • When done, download the source code here and open the .sln file (this should start VS)
  • Run it once Elden Ring is running

Okay now how do I run it, I am not well versed in VS and cannot find how to run it at all.

F5, or green arrow button at the top.

keremsavci7 commented 5 days ago

is that worked ?

AydinBiber-Dekker commented 5 days ago

is that worked ?

It did for me. I had my character stuck in a loading screen loop and got out of it with the tool.

keremsavci7 commented 5 days ago

I cant understand how exactly what should I do. Can you explain me when you free ? ON discord or etc.

keremsavci7 commented 5 days ago

Im trying the open up on VS 2022 but it error bro

AydinBiber commented 5 days ago

Im trying the open up on VS 2022 but it error bro

What error are you getting?

keremsavci7 commented 5 days ago

It says ; Önem Derecesi Kod Açıklama Proje Dosya Çizgi Gizleme Durumu Hata (etkin) NU1104 'C:\Users\kerem\Downloads\Elden-Ring-Debug-Tool-\Elden-Ring-Debug-Tool-\src\Erd-Tools\src\Erd-Tools\Erd-Tools.csproj' projesi bulunamadı. Proje başvurusunun geçerli olup olmadığını ve proje dosyasının mevcut olup olmadığını denetleyin. Elden-Ring-Debug-Tool-ViewModels C:\Users\kerem\Downloads\Elden-Ring-Debug-Tool-\Elden-Ring-Debug-Tool-\src\Elden-Ring-Debug-Tool-ViewModels\Elden-Ring-Debug-Tool-ViewModels.csproj 1
Hata (etkin) NU1104 'C:\Users\kerem\Downloads\Elden-Ring-Debug-Tool-\Elden-Ring-Debug-Tool-\src\Erd-Tools\src\Erd-Tools\Erd-Tools.csproj' projesi bulunamadı. Proje başvurusunun geçerli olup olmadığını ve proje dosyasının mevcut olup olmadığını denetleyin. Elden-Ring-Debug-Tool-WPF C:\Users\kerem\Downloads\Elden-Ring-Debug-Tool-\Elden-Ring-Debug-Tool-\src\Elden-Ring-Debug-Tool-WPF\Elden-Ring-Debug-Tool-WPF.csproj 1
Uyarı (etkin) NU1701 'GlobalHotkeys' paketi, proje hedef çerçevesi 'net6.0-windows7.0' yerine '.NETFramework,Version=v4.6.1, .NETFramework,Version=v4.6.2, .NETFramework,Version=v4.7, .NETFramework,Version=v4.7.1, .NETFramework,Version=v4.7.2, .NETFramework,Version=v4.8, .NETFramework,Version=v4.8.1' kullanılarak geri yüklendi. Bu paket projenizle tamamen uyumlu olmayabilir. Elden-Ring-Debug-Tool-ViewModels C:\Users\kerem\Downloads\Elden-Ring-Debug-Tool-\Elden-Ring-Debug-Tool-\src\Elden-Ring-Debug-Tool-ViewModels\Elden-Ring-Debug-Tool-ViewModels.csproj 1
Uyarı (etkin) NU1701 'Extended.Wpf.Toolkit 4.3.0' paketi, proje hedef çerçevesi 'net6.0-windows7.0' yerine '.NETFramework,Version=v4.6.1, .NETFramework,Version=v4.6.2, .NETFramework,Version=v4.7, .NETFramework,Version=v4.7.1, .NETFramework,Version=v4.7.2, .NETFramework,Version=v4.8, .NETFramework,Version=v4.8.1' kullanılarak geri yüklendi. Bu paket projenizle tamamen uyumlu olmayabilir. Elden-Ring-Debug-Tool-WPF C:\Users\kerem\Downloads\Elden-Ring-Debug-Tool-\Elden-Ring-Debug-Tool-\src\Elden-Ring-Debug-Tool-WPF\Elden-Ring-Debug-Tool-WPF.csproj 1
Uyarı (etkin) NU1701 'GlobalHotkeys' paketi, proje hedef çerçevesi 'net6.0-windows7.0' yerine '.NETFramework,Version=v4.6.1, .NETFramework,Version=v4.6.2, .NETFramework,Version=v4.7, .NETFramework,Version=v4.7.1, .NETFramework,Version=v4.7.2, .NETFramework,Version=v4.8, .NETFramework,Version=v4.8.1' kullanılarak geri yüklendi. Bu paket projenizle tamamen uyumlu olmayabilir. Elden-Ring-Debug-Tool-WPF C:\Users\kerem\Downloads\Elden-Ring-Debug-Tool-\Elden-Ring-Debug-Tool-\src\Elden-Ring-Debug-Tool-WPF\Elden-Ring-Debug-Tool-WPF.csproj 1
Ekran görüntüsü 2024-07-02 175645

keremsavci7 commented 5 days ago

I dont know how tou use VS :(

AydinBiber commented 5 days ago

I don't really know how to fix that. Do you have the following checked in the VS Installer?


keremsavci7 commented 5 days ago

Yes. I checked on .net desktop development.

keremsavci7 commented 5 days ago I downloaded the source code here. Am ı download the wrong thing ?

keremsavci7 commented 5 days ago

When go into Elden-Ring-Debug-Tool-\src\Erd-Tools folder is there any folder or exe ? Cause My folder is empty there like on pic. ![Uploading Ekran görüntüsü 2024-07-02 180557.png…]()

AydinBiber commented 5 days ago

Ah yes, the releases thing is not the source code. That's just the program.

Go to the "Code" tab in the top left of this screen. Then there should be a green "Code" button that opens a menu. Here you click "Download ZIP" at the bottom. See below image with numbered steps.

This ZIP will contain a .sln file that you need to double click (should automatically open in VS2022 but it might ask what version you wanna open it with).


keremsavci7 commented 5 days ago

I tried that also. Elden-Ring-Debug-Tool-\src\Erd-Tools folder is downloanding empty again. But ı download manuel. Now Im getting this issue.

Hedef işlem, CoreCLR tarafından başlatılan bir olay tetiklemeden çıktı. Hedef işlemin .NET Core kullanacak şekilde yapılandırıldığından emin olun. Hedef işlem .NET Core'da çalışmıyorsa bu durum beklenebilir. '[13804] Elden-Ring-Debug-Tool-WPF.exe' programı 2147516566 (0x80008096) koduyla çıktı.

AydinBiber commented 5 days ago

Maybe .NET Core is not installed? I'm not sure how to fix that error.

keremsavci7 commented 5 days ago

I click on and dowloand it also. Maybe I need to current version I dont know . Which version do you have can you look ? image

keremsavci7 commented 5 days ago

Can you write on CMD : dotnet --list-sdks # Yüklü .NET Core SDK sürümlerini listeler dotnet --list-runtimes # Yüklü .NET Core runtime sürümlerini listeler and can you share with me ?


keremsavci7 commented 5 days ago

I fix it yes. I find the missing .net core then fix my problem. Thank you very much guys.

NubertBallin commented 4 days ago

Hey im getting this issue every time I try to open up the .sln file. Any reason as to why?

image image_2024-07-03_174703382

Nordgaren commented 3 days ago

I have updated Debug Tool, so, you should be able to just download the update.