NordicESMhub / deep_python

Python for Dynamics and Evolution of Earth and Planets
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new dataset for episode-1 #1

Closed annefou closed 5 years ago

annefou commented 5 years ago

I suggest to use another dataset for instance for the first episode.

annefou commented 5 years ago

@yellowchocobo do you think this dataset is relevant for CEED?

annefou commented 5 years ago

And then which dataset would we use for episode 4 (multiple files).

yellowchocobo commented 5 years ago

Sorry, I didn't see that something was happening on GitHub :p. Sounds good with the new datasets. I will try to adapt the template around the new dataset. I think I will work with that tomorrow.

annefou commented 5 years ago

I have used the temperature anomalies (are in data folder) dataset for, etc. stopped at (did not have time yet to look at it furter.

yellowchocobo commented 5 years ago

I guess using temperature anomalies is good for lessons 01-04, and we can maybe either use one of the datasets we got from one of the people attending for "Making Choices", "Creating Functions" and "Command-Line programs". I think the dataset from Eirik is rather easy to work with (a sediment core and how water content and ++ change with depth).

annefou commented 5 years ago

It sounds like a very good idea. Maybe worth checking with Eirik about the license. Is it OK to distribute such data?

annefou commented 5 years ago

Close this issue. Re-open if necessary.