This is minor, but still forced me to change the production code in order to accommodate for CBM.
With the real API there is a default nil value for options, so I used this: centralManager.connect(retrievedPeripheral), with CBM, it's necessary to set options explicitly, even if it's a nil.
open func connect(_ peripheral: CBPeripheral, options: [String : Any]? = nil)
open func connect(_ peripheral: CBMPeripheral, options: [String : Any]?)
This is minor, but still forced me to change the production code in order to accommodate for CBM.
With the real API there is a default nil value for options, so I used this:
, with CBM, it's necessary to set options explicitly, even if it's a func connect(_ peripheral: CBPeripheral, options: [String : Any]? = nil)
vsopen func connect(_ peripheral: CBMPeripheral, options: [String : Any]?)