For a way too long time we had "Pods" in this repository name, where in fact we support Carthage and SPM as well. The repo has been already renamed, this PR just modifies all links to match the new name. The old links should still work, so this is not a breaking change. Or at least it shouldn't be.
If you have a problem with SPM or any other dependency management software, just remove "-Pods" from the URL.
For a way too long time we had "Pods" in this repository name, where in fact we support Carthage and SPM as well. The repo has been already renamed, this PR just modifies all links to match the new name. The old links should still work, so this is not a breaking change. Or at least it shouldn't be.
If you have a problem with SPM or any other dependency management software, just remove "-Pods" from the URL.