NordicSemiconductor / IOS-nRF-Connect-Device-Manager

A mobile management library for devices supporting nRF Connect Device Manager.
Apache License 2.0
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Support SMP Pipeline in FileSystemManager #122

Closed bentu-noodoe closed 11 months ago

bentu-noodoe commented 1 year ago


There''s an option pipelineDepth in FirmwareUpgradeConfiguration, and with pipelineDepth set to larger than 1 can increase the transfer speed when using ImageManager to upload firmware files. According to the documents, I suppose the feature is called SMP Pipeline.

My question is,

Is it possible to supoort such feature in FileSystemManager?

Unlike ImageManager, FileSystemManager's upload method doesn't take FirmwareUpgradeConfiguration, thus it doens't benefit from SMP Pipeline. We found that the android version of the library did supoort the feature in both of their ImageManager and FileSystemManager, just wondering if there're any concerns so it's not implemented on iOS.

Thanks in advance, really appreciate all the hard works from contributors.

Btw, We're uploading files ~500kB to our devices, and we found that the upload speed on iOS was aorund 2kB/s. It'd take longer than 4mins to upload a single file, and we've got 4+ files to transfer, so we're looking for solutions to boost up the speed.

dinesharjani commented 12 months ago

Hey @bentu-noodoe - basically I was not aware of this. I was handed the 'keys to this kingdom' by being told 'there's a small feature we need help with called pipelining. You can do that easily' and, I took it and well as you can see from this codebase, it's a very deep rabbit hole.

This sounds like something that should be implemented. I'm going to start looking into it today I think.

bentu-noodoe commented 11 months ago

Good to hear that, it'd save us lots of effort, thank you so much!

dinesharjani commented 11 months ago

@bentu-noodoe so I think this will be for next version. I'm preparing a bugfix release, and then I'll follow-up with this work and some other as part of 1.4, since I think I'll make some breaking changes to the API.

dinesharjani commented 11 months ago


bentu-noodoe commented 10 months ago

Hello @dinesharjani

I've tested the new releases both 1.4.0 and 1.4.1, finding that the upload speed was still around 2kB/s, just like it was before 1.4.0.

Here's how I created my configuration:

var config = FirmwareUpgradeConfiguration()
config.pipelineDepth = 3
config.byteAlignment = .fourByte

I used the same config with ImageManager, and it was much faster, so I guess the config was ok.

Digged a little bit into the project, it seemed that FileSystemManager didn't make uses of pipelineDepth at all.

On the other hand, ImageManager used it in its uploadCallback to..., I don't know, not familiar to the project 😂. Well I think, in the end, it added many operations to the operationQueue altogether, which FileSystemManager didn't. Just a guess, ignore me if I was wrong.

Could you check if it's actually an issue, or I just didn't do it the right way?

dinesharjani commented 10 months ago

I just run a test and I got better upload speed on nRF52840. It's not as fast as DFU, I got about 6-7 kbps. But it is an improvement. Are you using FileSystemManager's upload() that takes in the FirmwareUpgradeConfiguration you showed? Those parameters look okay.

bentu-noodoe commented 10 months ago

I just run a test and I got better upload speed on nRF52840. It's not as fast as DFU, I got about 6-7 kbps. But it is an improvement. Are you using FileSystemManager's upload() that takes in the FirmwareUpgradeConfiguration you showed? Those parameters look okay.

Yes I used the config in upload().

My codes look like

        let transport = McuMgrBleTransport(peripheral)
        var config = FirmwareUpgradeConfiguration()
        config.pipelineDepth = 3
        config.byteAlignment = .fourByte
        switch someType {
        case .typesUsingImageManager:
            imageManager = ImageManager(transporter: transport)
            if !imageManager!.upload(images: images, using: config, delegate: self) {
        case .typesUsingFileSystemManager:
            fsManager = FileSystemManager(transporter: transport)
            if !fsManager!.upload(name: name, data: data, using: config, delegate: self) {

I just tested it, and ImageManager is actually much faster than FileSystemManager.

To provide more information, our project uses nRF52840 for our hardware. We also have our android app, in which we use the same settings for pipelineDepth and byteAlignment(the naming may be different), and the transfer speed for FileSystemManager is like around 6kB/s .

I turned to my colleague, who works on the firmware team, and he asked if you could share your settings of BLE in your firmware? Maybe we actually missed something here.

Thank you for your time!

dinesharjani commented 10 months ago

So this is what my overlay-fs.conf looks like:


Enable the LittleFS file system.


Add 256 bytes to accommodate upload command (lfs_stat overflows)


Enable file system commands


This is, from a fresh smp_svr that has the bluetooth overlay as well enabled. On SDK & toolchain version 2.4.2. Another option could be, I run the code again, and send you the hex to flash it on nrf52840.

Also, what file sizes to upload are you testing with? If the file is too small, then it might not build up enough speed. But if you make it too big, the upload will fail because this feature doesn't like big files from my experience. It's tricky, I know :)

bentu-noodoe commented 10 months ago

The differeces that I found between the .conf files are,

Our full .conf .

Could you share you full .conf file so we could have more detail?

Depending on the purpose, the size of files to upload are from 40KB to 400 KB each.

Another option could be, I run the code again, and send you the hex to flash it on nrf52840.

Yes, please. I think it would be a good way to figure out which end the problem is on.

Pardon me for asking so much, I really appreciate the help.

dinesharjani commented 10 months ago


So the .conf files are now split in 'overlays'. There's an overlay for Bluetooth and another one for FileSystem. I've attached a ZIP with the prj.conf plus the two overlay files. And I've attached a working .hex for nRF52840 that I use for test. It does 6-7kbps with 4KB files for example.

And no, you're not asking too much :)

bentu-noodoe commented 9 months ago

I flashed the .hex to our nRF52840, and I ended up writing a test project, to test with different file sizes, each with/without SMP Pipeline.

For 4 scenarios: 4KB file * 3 without SMP Pipeline, 4KB file * 3 with SMP Pipeline, Single 300KB file without SMP Pipeline, Single 300KB file with SMP Pipeline, and I tested 3 times for each and took average for those results.

Things that I noticed:

So my question would be:

dinesharjani commented 9 months ago

It is faster. If I run nRF Connect Device Manager Example app (which is in this GitHub project) and modify the start() function like so:

var configuration = FirmwareUpgradeConfiguration(); configuration.pipelineDepth = 4; configuration.reassemblyBufferSize = 2475; _ = fsManager.upload(name: destination.text!, data: fileData!, using: configuration, delegate: self)

(GitHub is pretty bad at formatting code, hence why I added semicolons)

I see 8-10 kbps speed on my iPhone XR, compared to 4-5 kbps without. I wrote a change that shows in the 'Uploading...' text the speed. I'll make the PR and push it to master.

This is using the .hex file I sent you the last time.

As for your size question, yes, your 4KB ballpark seems accurate. I don't have much insight into this, since I'm relatively 'new' to this side of the library. The most important thing for us is 'DFU, DFU & DFU', so I put my focus there. But you asked for this to be added and I thought it would be good to add this functionality as well to make the library as complete as possible. When I asked about the size limit, I got directed to the littlefs GitHub page, which I haven't had the time to look into (every day, there's something new to fix). But if you guys managed to improve the situation, I'm very interested in knowing how :)

Let me know if there's anything more I can do.