NordicSemiconductor / Nordic-Thingy52-FW

Nordic Thingy:52 software development kit. This kit is designed to assist users in developing their own custom firmware for Thingy. Please see for the latest news and software releases.
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Thingy hardware revision 1.0.0 support #1

Closed AryanNordic closed 7 years ago

AryanNordic commented 7 years ago

I am having this new hardware but the keil projects atleast do not have this version in the dropdown menu. When compiling it with 0.9.0 settings and flashing into 1.0.0 hardware, i have asserts as the sensor hardware id verification fails. Can you please add support for it?

jorgenmk commented 7 years ago

Apololgies for poor target naming. For the 1.0.0 HW the correct target is named release.