NordicSemiconductor / Nordic-Thingy52-FW

Nordic Thingy:52 software development kit. This kit is designed to assist users in developing their own custom firmware for Thingy. Please see for the latest news and software releases.
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Enable debug #24

Closed rleoni closed 6 years ago

rleoni commented 6 years ago

Hello guys.

I'm new with nodic nRF52 SDK and I tried to enable debug by setting 1 on "NRF_LOG_ENABLED" in sdk_config.h, but nothing happens in com port criated by Jtag (pca10040).

Where is my error? What is the correctly procedure?

koffes commented 6 years ago


Are you using Keil? If so you can choose to compile the "DEBUG" target. This will configure the project for log output. Alternatively, you can copy the target settings and use GCC to compile. Mind that RTT is used as default debug output. You can read more about RTT here: I recommend using RTT, but if you want UART output you can set NRF_LOG_BACKEND_UART_ENABLED in sdk_config.h.

rleoni commented 6 years ago

Thanks Koffes, I tried this, but didn't work. then I delete all files and restart my project, and now, I could enable debug. Thanks

PS: I'm using GCC,