NordicSemiconductor / ble-sdk-arduino

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Trying to port this to PIC mcu, hoping to talk #5

Closed colinmarcus closed 10 years ago

colinmarcus commented 10 years ago

Hi, I'm trying to develop a port for the PIC24F series microcontrollers. I followed your instructions and tried to port your nRF8001 code, but I can't seem to get the transport layer verification to work. I've put in a lot of effort, but I feel that I've run into a wall - the problem is probably something really straightforward, but I just don't know your code well enough to see a solution.

To be specific, I am running:


and the system can't seem to get past the 1st if statement:

void loop() { // We enter the if statement only when there is a ACI event available to be processed if (lib_aci_event_get(&aci_state, &aci_data)) { ...stuff } }

In other words, the if statement never returns true. I have verified that the SPI seems to be running correctly, as well as all the other GPIOs, delays and so on. Interrupts are turned off.

I would really appreciate it if we could communicate.

My email is:

daviddedwin commented 10 years ago

Can you open a case on our support portal I will take care of it there.

daviddedwin commented 10 years ago

You can also attach logic analyzer trace of the SPI lines (MISO, MOSI, SCK), REQN, RDYN and RESET lines and attach it to the case file so it should be pretty easy to figure it out.

colinmarcus commented 10 years ago

OK, I will do that - thank you for your quick reply.

Skjerve commented 10 years ago

Solved in support portal