Open toni-moreno opened 9 years ago
SLEEP_TIME is how often vmstats will connect to vCenter to gather metrics. SEND_ALL_PERIODS=true means that when vmstats connects, it will gather the highest resolution data that is available in vCenter and send all the data points since the last run. For us, that is 20s resolution, so every five minutes we gather and send 15 data points for each metric.
Filtering is done with STAT_EXCLUDES, i.e.: STATEXCLUDES=^datastore.$, ^hbr._$
Hi @tmonk42 , thank you for your fast response.
If I understood correctly to get only 1 metric / minute I should configure.
And excludes has support support regular expressions, but , for complete metric name?
Lots of thanks, I will test right now.
After reconfiguration done
And executed with -D output the output , the debug-gwriter-pool-5-thread-1.log file is still showing metrics each 20 seconds...
What I'm doing wrong?
vmstats.vcs_tag.cluster01.vm.hostname01.datastore.totalWriteLatency.53f727d1-6a1b3ef7-0fb1-8c89a588cb62.average 0 1425908020
vmstats.vcs_tag.cluster01.vm.hostname01.datastore.totalWriteLatency.53f727d1-6a1b3ef7-0fb1-8c89a588cb62.average 0 1425908040
vmstats.vcs_tag.cluster01.vm.hostname01.datastore.totalWriteLatency.53f727d1-6a1b3ef7-0fb1-8c89a588cb62.average 0 1425908060
vmstats.vcs_tag.cluster01.vm.hostname01.virtualDisk.write.scsi0:0.average 0 1425908060
vmstats.vcs_tag.cluster01.vm.hostname01.mem.zipSaved.latest 0 1425908020
vmstats.vcs_tag.cluster01.vm.hostname01.mem.zipSaved.latest 0 1425908040
vmstats.vcs_tag.cluster01.vm.hostname01.mem.zipSaved.latest 0 1425908060
vmstats.vcs_tag.cluster01.vm.hostname01.mem.decompressionRate.average 0 1425908060
vmstats.vcs_tag.cluster01.vm.hostname01.mem.swapped.average 0 1425908020
vmstats.vcs_tag.cluster01.vm.hostname01.mem.swapped.average 0 1425908040
vmstats.vcs_tag.cluster01.vm.hostname01.mem.swapped.average 0 1425908060
vmstats.vcs_tag.cluster01.vm.hostname01.cpu.usage.average 12 1425908060 0 1425908060
vmstats.vcs_tag.cluster01.vm.hostname01.cpu.ready.0.summation 2 1425908020
vmstats.vcs_tag.cluster01.vm.hostname01.cpu.ready.0.summation 3 1425908040
vmstats.vcs_tag.cluster01.vm.hostname01.cpu.ready.0.summation 2 1425908060
vmstats.vcs_tag.cluster01.vm.hostname01.disk.numberReadAveraged.naa_60a980003246686b5624437237486a61.average 0 1425908060
vmstats.vcs_tag.cluster01.vm.hostname01.cpu.system.summation 1 1425908020
vmstats.vcs_tag.cluster01.vm.hostname01.cpu.system.summation 0 1425908040
vmstats.vcs_tag.cluster01.vm.hostname01.cpu.system.summation 1 1425908060
vmstats.vcs_tag.cluster01.vm.hostname01.cpu.costop.summation 0 1425908020
vmstats.vcs_tag.cluster01.vm.hostname01.cpu.costop.summation 0 1425908040
vmstats.vcs_tag.cluster01.vm.hostname01.cpu.costop.summation 0 1425908060
vmstats.vcs_tag.cluster01.vm.hostname01.cpu.ready.summation 2 1425908020
vmstats.vcs_tag.cluster01.vm.hostname01.cpu.ready.summation 3 1425908040
vmstats.vcs_tag.cluster01.vm.hostname01.cpu.ready.summation 2 1425908060
vmstats.vcs_tag.cluster01.vm.hostname01.virtualDisk.smallSeeks.scsi0:0.latest 0 1425908020
vmstats.vcs_tag.cluster01.vm.hostname01.virtualDisk.smallSeeks.scsi0:0.latest 0 1425908040
vmstats.vcs_tag.cluster01.vm.hostname01.virtualDisk.smallSeeks.scsi0:0.latest 0 1425908060
vmstats.vcs_tag.cluster01.vm.hostname01.cpu.maxlimited.summation 0 1425908020
Hi @tmonk42 after review the code:
I've seen that the correct way to setup 1 metric / minute is with
hi @tmonk42 , can you help me to understand the meaning of the CACHED_LOOP_CYCLES , parameters? Why is exactly vmstats caching metrics ? to prevent metric lost when remote graphite is down ? to prevent metric lost when slow connections ?
Hi @tmonk42 , after review the code I can see that.
STAT_EXCLUDES exclude all metrics from a group, and should match complete metric group.
This is , STAT_EXCLUDES can not filter metric names.
Hello Toni, Please take a look at StatsFeeder with GraphiteReceiver plug-in.
hi @lbasavap , I've already done the metric filtering in the following branch ( , but I'm still waiting to merge this PR first (
Why is better gathering data with than with vijava sdk ?
How many VM's ESX are you getting data with your ?
Hi @timconradinc @pdalinis .
I am very grateful for your great work.
I'm testing vmstats and it seems a promising solution to me, but there is some leak of documentation on how the tool is gathering information.
Right now we are collecting data from a TEST vCenter with 5 ESX and 5 VM's and default ( but without filters to see all available metrics)
In this config I can no see which will be the gathering frequency ( I would like 1 metric / minute or 1 metric / 5 minutes) . How can I configure to get metrics only 1 data/ minute for each metric?
Another Question is about metric filtering. I'm my test I'm getting over 15000 metrics for only 5 ESX and 5 VM's.
There is any way to limit to get the most basic metrics instead of getting everything?
I'm executing with -P flag (only once ) and It is getting metrics from 1 hour ago . Is It the expected behavior ?