Nordstrom / xrpc

Simple, production ready Java API server built on top of functional composition.
Apache License 2.0
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Mutual auth. Take two. #199

Closed Farhie closed 6 years ago

Farhie commented 6 years ago

• Adds tests around default config values for both XRPC and TLS • Add tests around server initialisation (are the various admin endpoints bound by default) • Generates self-signed certificates (* if x509CertPath or privateKeyPath are not supplied • Default cyphersuite now lines up with engineering standards.

Note on XIO: We ended up overriding XIO TlsConfig as it had a hard requirement for a certificate to be present in a file written to disk. We didn't want this behaviour. We can put a PR or open an issue with the XIO repo to allow cert / private key to be env vars or paths to files.