I have a yaml where one fields dictates which other fields need to be present:
type: type1
field1_of_type1: foo
field2_of_type1: bar
If type has a different value, other fields need to be present:
type: type2
field1_of_type2: baz
In Haskell the data structure look like this:
data MyType where
MyType :: (MyTypeClass a) => a -> MyType
-- I managed to write a FromJSON instance
instance FromJSON MyType where
parseJSON = withObject "MyType" $ \o -> case H.lookup "type" o of
Just (String "type1") -> MyType <$> type1Parser o
Just (String "type2") -> MyType <$> type2Parser o
How would I translate this to autodocodec? I tried to use matchChoicesCodec, literalTextCodec or parseAlternatives but somehow got none of those to work.
Currently I have the following which does not compile:
type1Codec :: JSONObjectCodec Type1
type1Codec =
Type1 <$> requiredField' "field1_of_type1"
A..= field1
<$> requiredField' "field2_of_type1"
A..= field2
instance HasCodec MyType where
codec =
[ (\o -> if lookup "type" o == Just (String "type1") then Just o else Nothing, type1Codec)
I have a yaml where one fields dictates which other fields need to be present:
has a different value, other fields need to be present:In Haskell the data structure look like this:
How would I translate this to autodocodec? I tried to use
but somehow got none of those to work.Currently I have the following which does not compile: