autodocodec> [5 of 9] Compiling Autodocodec.Aeson.Encode ( src/Autodocodec/Aeson/Encode.hs, dist/build/Autodocodec/Aeson/Encode.o, dist/build/Autodocodec/Aeson/Encode.dyn_o )
autodocodec> src/Autodocodec/Aeson/Encode.hs:40:25: error: [GHC-83865]
autodocodec> • Couldn't match expected type ‘JSON.Value’
autodocodec> with actual type ‘f2 v -> JSON.Value’
autodocodec> • Probable cause: ‘JSON.liftToJSON’ is applied to too few arguments
autodocodec> In the expression:
autodocodec> JSON.liftToJSON (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) (a :: HashMap _ _)
autodocodec> In a \case alternative:
autodocodec> HashMapCodec c
autodocodec> -> JSON.liftToJSON (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) (a :: HashMap _ _)
autodocodec> In the expression:
autodocodec> \case
autodocodec> NullCodec -> JSON.Null
autodocodec> BoolCodec _ -> toJSON (a :: Bool)
autodocodec> StringCodec _ -> toJSON (a :: Text)
autodocodec> NumberCodec _ _ -> toJSON (a :: Scientific)
autodocodec> ArrayOfCodec _ c -> toJSON (fmap (`go` c) (a :: Vector _))
autodocodec> ObjectOfCodec _ oc -> JSON.Object (goObject a oc)
autodocodec> HashMapCodec c
autodocodec> -> JSON.liftToJSON (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) (a :: HashMap _ _)
autodocodec> MapCodec c
autodocodec> -> JSON.liftToJSON (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) (a :: Map _ _)
autodocodec> ValueCodec -> (a :: JSON.Value)
autodocodec> EqCodec value c -> go value c
autodocodec> BimapCodec _ g c -> go (g a) c
autodocodec> EitherCodec _ c1 c2
autodocodec> -> case (a :: Either _ _) of
autodocodec> Left a1 -> go a1 c1
autodocodec> Right a2 -> go a2 c2
autodocodec> CommentCodec _ c -> go a c
autodocodec> ReferenceCodec _ c -> go a c
autodocodec> • Relevant bindings include
autodocodec> c :: JSONCodec v (bound at src/Autodocodec/Aeson/Encode.hs:40:20)
autodocodec> |
autodocodec> 40 | HashMapCodec c -> JSON.liftToJSON (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) (a :: HashMap _ _)
autodocodec> | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
autodocodec> src/Autodocodec/Aeson/Encode.hs:40:42: error: [GHC-83865]
autodocodec> • Couldn't match type ‘JSON.Value’ with ‘Bool’
autodocodec> Expected: v -> Bool
autodocodec> Actual: v -> JSON.Value
autodocodec> • In the first argument of ‘JSON.liftToJSON’, namely ‘(`go` c)’
autodocodec> In the expression:
autodocodec> JSON.liftToJSON (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) (a :: HashMap _ _)
autodocodec> In a \case alternative:
autodocodec> HashMapCodec c
autodocodec> -> JSON.liftToJSON (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) (a :: HashMap _ _)
autodocodec> |
autodocodec> 40 | HashMapCodec c -> JSON.liftToJSON (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) (a :: HashMap _ _)
autodocodec> | ^^^^^^
autodocodec> src/Autodocodec/Aeson/Encode.hs:40:70: error: [GHC-83865]
autodocodec> • Couldn't match expected type: [v] -> JSON.Value
autodocodec> with actual type: HashMap k v
autodocodec> • In the third argument of ‘JSON.liftToJSON’, namely
autodocodec> ‘(a :: HashMap _ _)’
autodocodec> In the expression:
autodocodec> JSON.liftToJSON (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) (a :: HashMap _ _)
autodocodec> In a \case alternative:
autodocodec> HashMapCodec c
autodocodec> -> JSON.liftToJSON (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) (a :: HashMap _ _)
autodocodec> • Relevant bindings include
autodocodec> c :: JSONCodec v (bound at src/Autodocodec/Aeson/Encode.hs:40:20)
autodocodec> |
autodocodec> 40 | HashMapCodec c -> JSON.liftToJSON (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) (a :: HashMap _ _)
autodocodec> | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
autodocodec> src/Autodocodec/Aeson/Encode.hs:41:21: error: [GHC-83865]
autodocodec> • Couldn't match expected type ‘JSON.Value’
autodocodec> with actual type ‘f3 v -> JSON.Value’
autodocodec> • Probable cause: ‘JSON.liftToJSON’ is applied to too few arguments
autodocodec> In the expression:
autodocodec> JSON.liftToJSON (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) (a :: Map _ _)
autodocodec> In a \case alternative:
autodocodec> MapCodec c
autodocodec> -> JSON.liftToJSON (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) (a :: Map _ _)
autodocodec> In the expression:
autodocodec> \case
autodocodec> NullCodec -> JSON.Null
autodocodec> BoolCodec _ -> toJSON (a :: Bool)
autodocodec> StringCodec _ -> toJSON (a :: Text)
autodocodec> NumberCodec _ _ -> toJSON (a :: Scientific)
autodocodec> ArrayOfCodec _ c -> toJSON (fmap (`go` c) (a :: Vector _))
autodocodec> ObjectOfCodec _ oc -> JSON.Object (goObject a oc)
autodocodec> HashMapCodec c
autodocodec> -> JSON.liftToJSON (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) (a :: HashMap _ _)
autodocodec> MapCodec c
autodocodec> -> JSON.liftToJSON (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) (a :: Map _ _)
autodocodec> ValueCodec -> (a :: JSON.Value)
autodocodec> EqCodec value c -> go value c
autodocodec> BimapCodec _ g c -> go (g a) c
autodocodec> EitherCodec _ c1 c2
autodocodec> -> case (a :: Either _ _) of
autodocodec> Left a1 -> go a1 c1
autodocodec> Right a2 -> go a2 c2
autodocodec> CommentCodec _ c -> go a c
autodocodec> ReferenceCodec _ c -> go a c
autodocodec> • Relevant bindings include
autodocodec> c :: JSONCodec v (bound at src/Autodocodec/Aeson/Encode.hs:41:16)
autodocodec> |
autodocodec> 41 | MapCodec c -> JSON.liftToJSON (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) (a :: Map _ _)
autodocodec> | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
autodocodec> src/Autodocodec/Aeson/Encode.hs:41:38: error: [GHC-83865]
autodocodec> • Couldn't match type ‘JSON.Value’ with ‘Bool’
autodocodec> Expected: v -> Bool
autodocodec> Actual: v -> JSON.Value
autodocodec> • In the first argument of ‘JSON.liftToJSON’, namely ‘(`go` c)’
autodocodec> In the expression:
autodocodec> JSON.liftToJSON (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) (a :: Map _ _)
autodocodec> In a \case alternative:
autodocodec> MapCodec c
autodocodec> -> JSON.liftToJSON (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) (a :: Map _ _)
autodocodec> |
autodocodec> 41 | MapCodec c -> JSON.liftToJSON (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) (a :: Map _ _)
autodocodec> | ^^^^^^
autodocodec> src/Autodocodec/Aeson/Encode.hs:41:66: error: [GHC-83865]
autodocodec> • Couldn't match expected type: [v] -> JSON.Value
autodocodec> with actual type: Map k v
autodocodec> • In the third argument of ‘JSON.liftToJSON’, namely
autodocodec> ‘(a :: Map _ _)’
autodocodec> In the expression:
autodocodec> JSON.liftToJSON (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) (a :: Map _ _)
autodocodec> In a \case alternative:
autodocodec> MapCodec c
autodocodec> -> JSON.liftToJSON (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) (a :: Map _ _)
autodocodec> • Relevant bindings include
autodocodec> c :: JSONCodec v (bound at src/Autodocodec/Aeson/Encode.hs:41:16)
autodocodec> |
autodocodec> 41 | MapCodec c -> JSON.liftToJSON (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) (a :: Map _ _)
autodocodec> | ^^^^^^^^^^^^
autodocodec> src/Autodocodec/Aeson/Encode.hs:89:25: error: [GHC-83865]
autodocodec> • Couldn't match type: f0 v -> JSON.Encoding
autodocodec> with: JSON.Encoding' JSON.Value
autodocodec> Expected: JSON.Encoding
autodocodec> Actual: f0 v -> JSON.Encoding
autodocodec> • Probable cause: ‘JSON.liftToEncoding’ is applied to too few arguments
autodocodec> In the expression:
autodocodec> JSON.liftToEncoding (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) (a :: HashMap _ _)
autodocodec> In a \case alternative:
autodocodec> HashMapCodec c
autodocodec> -> JSON.liftToEncoding
autodocodec> (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) (a :: HashMap _ _)
autodocodec> In the expression:
autodocodec> \case
autodocodec> NullCodec -> JSON.null_
autodocodec> BoolCodec _ -> JSON.bool (a :: Bool)
autodocodec> StringCodec _ -> JSON.text (a :: Text)
autodocodec> NumberCodec _ _ -> JSON.scientific (a :: Scientific)
autodocodec> ArrayOfCodec _ c -> JSON.list (`go` c) (V.toList (a :: Vector _))
autodocodec> ObjectOfCodec _ oc -> JSON.pairs (goObject a oc)
autodocodec> HashMapCodec c
autodocodec> -> JSON.liftToEncoding
autodocodec> (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) (a :: HashMap _ _)
autodocodec> MapCodec c
autodocodec> -> JSON.liftToEncoding (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) (a :: Map _ _)
autodocodec> ValueCodec -> JSON.value (a :: JSON.Value)
autodocodec> EqCodec value c -> go value c
autodocodec> BimapCodec _ g c -> go (g a) c
autodocodec> EitherCodec _ c1 c2
autodocodec> -> case (a :: Either _ _) of
autodocodec> Left a1 -> go a1 c1
autodocodec> Right a2 -> go a2 c2
autodocodec> CommentCodec _ c -> go a c
autodocodec> ReferenceCodec _ c -> go a c
autodocodec> • Relevant bindings include
autodocodec> c :: JSONCodec v (bound at src/Autodocodec/Aeson/Encode.hs:89:20)
autodocodec> |
autodocodec> 89 | HashMapCodec c -> JSON.liftToEncoding (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) (a :: HashMap _ _)
autodocodec> | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
autodocodec> src/Autodocodec/Aeson/Encode.hs:89:46: error: [GHC-83865]
autodocodec> • Couldn't match type ‘JSON.Encoding' JSON.Value’ with ‘Bool’
autodocodec> Expected: v -> Bool
autodocodec> Actual: v -> JSON.Encoding
autodocodec> • In the first argument of ‘JSON.liftToEncoding’, namely ‘(`go` c)’
autodocodec> In the expression:
autodocodec> JSON.liftToEncoding (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) (a :: HashMap _ _)
autodocodec> In a \case alternative:
autodocodec> HashMapCodec c
autodocodec> -> JSON.liftToEncoding
autodocodec> (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) (a :: HashMap _ _)
autodocodec> |
autodocodec> 89 | HashMapCodec c -> JSON.liftToEncoding (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) (a :: HashMap _ _)
autodocodec> | ^^^^^^
autodocodec> src/Autodocodec/Aeson/Encode.hs:89:74: error: [GHC-83865]
autodocodec> • Couldn't match expected type: [v] -> JSON.Encoding
autodocodec> with actual type: HashMap k v
autodocodec> • In the third argument of ‘JSON.liftToEncoding’, namely
autodocodec> ‘(a :: HashMap _ _)’
autodocodec> In the expression:
autodocodec> JSON.liftToEncoding (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) (a :: HashMap _ _)
autodocodec> In a \case alternative:
autodocodec> HashMapCodec c
autodocodec> -> JSON.liftToEncoding
autodocodec> (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) (a :: HashMap _ _)
autodocodec> • Relevant bindings include
autodocodec> c :: JSONCodec v (bound at src/Autodocodec/Aeson/Encode.hs:89:20)
autodocodec> |
autodocodec> 89 | HashMapCodec c -> JSON.liftToEncoding (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) (a :: HashMap _ _)
autodocodec> | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
autodocodec> src/Autodocodec/Aeson/Encode.hs:90:21: error: [GHC-83865]
autodocodec> • Couldn't match type: f1 v -> JSON.Encoding
autodocodec> with: JSON.Encoding' JSON.Value
autodocodec> Expected: JSON.Encoding
autodocodec> Actual: f1 v -> JSON.Encoding
autodocodec> • Probable cause: ‘JSON.liftToEncoding’ is applied to too few arguments
autodocodec> In the expression:
autodocodec> JSON.liftToEncoding (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) (a :: Map _ _)
autodocodec> In a \case alternative:
autodocodec> MapCodec c
autodocodec> -> JSON.liftToEncoding (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) (a :: Map _ _)
autodocodec> In the expression:
autodocodec> \case
autodocodec> NullCodec -> JSON.null_
autodocodec> BoolCodec _ -> JSON.bool (a :: Bool)
autodocodec> StringCodec _ -> JSON.text (a :: Text)
autodocodec> NumberCodec _ _ -> JSON.scientific (a :: Scientific)
autodocodec> ArrayOfCodec _ c -> JSON.list (`go` c) (V.toList (a :: Vector _))
autodocodec> ObjectOfCodec _ oc -> JSON.pairs (goObject a oc)
autodocodec> HashMapCodec c
autodocodec> -> JSON.liftToEncoding
autodocodec> (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) (a :: HashMap _ _)
autodocodec> MapCodec c
autodocodec> -> JSON.liftToEncoding (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) (a :: Map _ _)
autodocodec> ValueCodec -> JSON.value (a :: JSON.Value)
autodocodec> EqCodec value c -> go value c
autodocodec> BimapCodec _ g c -> go (g a) c
autodocodec> EitherCodec _ c1 c2
autodocodec> -> case (a :: Either _ _) of
autodocodec> Left a1 -> go a1 c1
autodocodec> Right a2 -> go a2 c2
autodocodec> CommentCodec _ c -> go a c
autodocodec> ReferenceCodec _ c -> go a c
autodocodec> • Relevant bindings include
autodocodec> c :: JSONCodec v (bound at src/Autodocodec/Aeson/Encode.hs:90:16)
autodocodec> |
autodocodec> 90 | MapCodec c -> JSON.liftToEncoding (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) (a :: Map _ _)
autodocodec> | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
autodocodec> src/Autodocodec/Aeson/Encode.hs:90:42: error: [GHC-83865]
autodocodec> • Couldn't match type ‘JSON.Encoding' JSON.Value’ with ‘Bool’
autodocodec> Expected: v -> Bool
autodocodec> Actual: v -> JSON.Encoding
autodocodec> • In the first argument of ‘JSON.liftToEncoding’, namely ‘(`go` c)’
autodocodec> In the expression:
autodocodec> JSON.liftToEncoding (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) (a :: Map _ _)
autodocodec> In a \case alternative:
autodocodec> MapCodec c
autodocodec> -> JSON.liftToEncoding (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) (a :: Map _ _)
autodocodec> |
autodocodec> 90 | MapCodec c -> JSON.liftToEncoding (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) (a :: Map _ _)
autodocodec> | ^^^^^^
autodocodec> src/Autodocodec/Aeson/Encode.hs:90:70: error: [GHC-83865]
autodocodec> • Couldn't match expected type: [v] -> JSON.Encoding
autodocodec> with actual type: Map k v
autodocodec> • In the third argument of ‘JSON.liftToEncoding’, namely
autodocodec> ‘(a :: Map _ _)’
autodocodec> In the expression:
autodocodec> JSON.liftToEncoding (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) (a :: Map _ _)
autodocodec> In a \case alternative:
autodocodec> MapCodec c
autodocodec> -> JSON.liftToEncoding (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) (a :: Map _ _)
autodocodec> • Relevant bindings include
autodocodec> c :: JSONCodec v (bound at src/Autodocodec/Aeson/Encode.hs:90:16)
autodocodec> |
autodocodec> 90 | MapCodec c -> JSON.liftToEncoding (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) (a :: Map _ _)
autodocodec> | ^^^^^^^^^^^^
autodocodec> [6 of 9] Compiling Autodocodec.Aeson.Decode ( src/Autodocodec/Aeson/Decode.hs, dist/build/Autodocodec/Aeson/Decode.o, dist/build/Autodocodec/Aeson/Decode.dyn_o )
autodocodec> src/Autodocodec/Aeson/Decode.hs:79:25: error: [GHC-83865]
autodocodec> • Couldn't match expected type: Parser (HashMap w1 w2)
autodocodec> with actual type: Value -> Parser (f0 [v])
autodocodec> • Probable cause: ‘liftParseJSON’ is applied to too few arguments
autodocodec> In the expression:
autodocodec> liftParseJSON (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) value ::
autodocodec> Parser (HashMap _ _)
autodocodec> In a \case alternative:
autodocodec> HashMapCodec c
autodocodec> -> liftParseJSON (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) value ::
autodocodec> Parser (HashMap _ _)
autodocodec> In the expression:
autodocodec> \case
autodocodec> NullCodec
autodocodec> -> case (value :: Value) of
autodocodec> Null -> pure ()
autodocodec> _ -> typeMismatch "Null" value
autodocodec> BoolCodec mname
autodocodec> -> case mname of
autodocodec> Nothing -> parseJSON value
autodocodec> Just name -> withBool (T.unpack name) pure value
autodocodec> StringCodec mname
autodocodec> -> case mname of
autodocodec> Nothing -> parseJSON value
autodocodec> Just name -> withText (T.unpack name) pure value
autodocodec> NumberCodec mname mBounds
autodocodec> -> (\ f
autodocodec> -> case mname of
autodocodec> Nothing -> parseJSON value >>= f
autodocodec> Just name -> withScientific (T.unpack name) f value)
autodocodec> (\ s
autodocodec> -> case maybe Right checkNumberBounds mBounds s of
autodocodec> Left err -> fail err
autodocodec> Right s' -> pure s')
autodocodec> ArrayOfCodec mname c
autodocodec> -> (\ f
autodocodec> -> case mname of
autodocodec> Nothing -> parseJSON value >>= f
autodocodec> Just name -> withArray (T.unpack name) f value)
autodocodec> (\ vector
autodocodec> -> forM
autodocodec> (V.indexed (vector :: Vector Value))
autodocodec> (\ (ix, v) -> go v c JSON.<?> Index ix))
autodocodec> ObjectOfCodec mname c
autodocodec> -> (\ f
autodocodec> -> case mname of
autodocodec> Nothing -> parseJSON value >>= f
autodocodec> Just name -> withObject (T.unpack name) f value)
autodocodec> (\ object_ -> (`go` c) (object_ :: Object))
autodocodec> HashMapCodec c
autodocodec> -> liftParseJSON (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) value ::
autodocodec> Parser (HashMap _ _)
autodocodec> MapCodec c
autodocodec> -> liftParseJSON (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) value ::
autodocodec> Parser (Map _ _)
autodocodec> ValueCodec -> pure (value :: Value)
autodocodec> EqCodec expected c
autodocodec> -> do actual <- go value c
autodocodec> if expected == actual then pure actual else fail $ unwords ...
autodocodec> BimapCodec f _ c
autodocodec> -> do old <- go value c
autodocodec> case f old of
autodocodec> Left err -> ...
autodocodec> Right new -> ...
autodocodec> EitherCodec u c1 c2
autodocodec> -> let
autodocodec> leftParser v = ...
autodocodec> ....
autodocodec> in
autodocodec> case u of
autodocodec> PossiblyJointUnion -> ...
autodocodec> DisjointUnion -> ...
autodocodec> DiscriminatedUnionCodec propertyName _ m
autodocodec> -> do discriminatorValue <- (value :: Object)
autodocodec> .: Compat.toKey propertyName
autodocodec> case HashMap.lookup discriminatorValue m of
autodocodec> Nothing -> ...
autodocodec> Just (_, c) -> ...
autodocodec> CommentCodec _ c -> go value c
autodocodec> ReferenceCodec _ c -> go value c
autodocodec> RequiredKeyCodec k c _
autodocodec> -> do valueAtKey <- (value :: Object) .: Compat.toKey k
autodocodec> go valueAtKey c JSON.<?> Key (Compat.toKey k)
autodocodec> OptionalKeyCodec k c _
autodocodec> -> do let ...
autodocodec> forM mValueAtKey $ \ valueAtKey -> ...
autodocodec> OptionalKeyWithDefaultCodec k c defaultValue _
autodocodec> -> do let ...
autodocodec> case mValueAtKey of
autodocodec> Nothing -> ...
autodocodec> Just valueAtKey -> ...
autodocodec> OptionalKeyWithOmittedDefaultCodec k c defaultValue mDoc
autodocodec> -> go value $ OptionalKeyWithDefaultCodec k c defaultValue mDoc
autodocodec> PureCodec a -> pure a
autodocodec> ApCodec ocf oca
autodocodec> -> go (value :: Object) ocf <*> go (value :: Object) oca
autodocodec> • Relevant bindings include
autodocodec> c :: JSONCodec v (bound at src/Autodocodec/Aeson/Decode.hs:79:20)
autodocodec> |
autodocodec> 79 | HashMapCodec c -> liftParseJSON (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) value :: JSON.Parser (HashMap _ _)
autodocodec> | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
autodocodec> src/Autodocodec/Aeson/Decode.hs:79:40: error: [GHC-83865]
autodocodec> • Couldn't match expected type: Maybe [v]
autodocodec> with actual type: Value -> Parser v
autodocodec> • In the first argument of ‘liftParseJSON’, namely ‘(`go` c)’
autodocodec> In the expression:
autodocodec> liftParseJSON (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) value ::
autodocodec> Parser (HashMap _ _)
autodocodec> In a \case alternative:
autodocodec> HashMapCodec c
autodocodec> -> liftParseJSON (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) value ::
autodocodec> Parser (HashMap _ _)
autodocodec> • Relevant bindings include
autodocodec> c :: JSONCodec v (bound at src/Autodocodec/Aeson/Decode.hs:79:20)
autodocodec> |
autodocodec> 79 | HashMapCodec c -> liftParseJSON (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) value :: JSON.Parser (HashMap _ _)
autodocodec> | ^^^^^^
autodocodec> src/Autodocodec/Aeson/Decode.hs:79:67: error: [GHC-83865]
autodocodec> • Couldn't match type ‘Value’ with ‘Value -> Parser [[v]]’
autodocodec> Expected: Value -> Parser [[v]]
autodocodec> Actual: context1
autodocodec> • In the third argument of ‘liftParseJSON’, namely ‘value’
autodocodec> In the expression:
autodocodec> liftParseJSON (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) value ::
autodocodec> Parser (HashMap _ _)
autodocodec> In a \case alternative:
autodocodec> HashMapCodec c
autodocodec> -> liftParseJSON (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) value ::
autodocodec> Parser (HashMap _ _)
autodocodec> • Relevant bindings include
autodocodec> c :: JSONCodec v (bound at src/Autodocodec/Aeson/Decode.hs:79:20)
autodocodec> |
autodocodec> 79 | HashMapCodec c -> liftParseJSON (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) value :: JSON.Parser (HashMap _ _)
autodocodec> | ^^^^^
autodocodec> src/Autodocodec/Aeson/Decode.hs:80:21: error: [GHC-83865]
autodocodec> • Couldn't match expected type: Parser (Map w1 w2)
autodocodec> with actual type: Value -> Parser (f1 [v])
autodocodec> • Probable cause: ‘liftParseJSON’ is applied to too few arguments
autodocodec> In the expression:
autodocodec> liftParseJSON (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) value :: Parser (Map _ _)
autodocodec> In a \case alternative:
autodocodec> MapCodec c
autodocodec> -> liftParseJSON (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) value ::
autodocodec> Parser (Map _ _)
autodocodec> In the expression:
autodocodec> \case
autodocodec> NullCodec
autodocodec> -> case (value :: Value) of
autodocodec> Null -> pure ()
autodocodec> _ -> typeMismatch "Null" value
autodocodec> BoolCodec mname
autodocodec> -> case mname of
autodocodec> Nothing -> parseJSON value
autodocodec> Just name -> withBool (T.unpack name) pure value
autodocodec> StringCodec mname
autodocodec> -> case mname of
autodocodec> Nothing -> parseJSON value
autodocodec> Just name -> withText (T.unpack name) pure value
autodocodec> NumberCodec mname mBounds
autodocodec> -> (\ f
autodocodec> -> case mname of
autodocodec> Nothing -> parseJSON value >>= f
autodocodec> Just name -> withScientific (T.unpack name) f value)
autodocodec> (\ s
autodocodec> -> case maybe Right checkNumberBounds mBounds s of
autodocodec> Left err -> fail err
autodocodec> Right s' -> pure s')
autodocodec> ArrayOfCodec mname c
autodocodec> -> (\ f
autodocodec> -> case mname of
autodocodec> Nothing -> parseJSON value >>= f
autodocodec> Just name -> withArray (T.unpack name) f value)
autodocodec> (\ vector
autodocodec> -> forM
autodocodec> (V.indexed (vector :: Vector Value))
autodocodec> (\ (ix, v) -> go v c JSON.<?> Index ix))
autodocodec> ObjectOfCodec mname c
autodocodec> -> (\ f
autodocodec> -> case mname of
autodocodec> Nothing -> parseJSON value >>= f
autodocodec> Just name -> withObject (T.unpack name) f value)
autodocodec> (\ object_ -> (`go` c) (object_ :: Object))
autodocodec> HashMapCodec c
autodocodec> -> liftParseJSON (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) value ::
autodocodec> Parser (HashMap _ _)
autodocodec> MapCodec c
autodocodec> -> liftParseJSON (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) value ::
autodocodec> Parser (Map _ _)
autodocodec> ValueCodec -> pure (value :: Value)
autodocodec> EqCodec expected c
autodocodec> -> do actual <- go value c
autodocodec> if expected == actual then pure actual else fail $ unwords ...
autodocodec> BimapCodec f _ c
autodocodec> -> do old <- go value c
autodocodec> case f old of
autodocodec> Left err -> ...
autodocodec> Right new -> ...
autodocodec> EitherCodec u c1 c2
autodocodec> -> let
autodocodec> leftParser v = ...
autodocodec> ....
autodocodec> in
autodocodec> case u of
autodocodec> PossiblyJointUnion -> ...
autodocodec> DisjointUnion -> ...
autodocodec> DiscriminatedUnionCodec propertyName _ m
autodocodec> -> do discriminatorValue <- (value :: Object)
autodocodec> .: Compat.toKey propertyName
autodocodec> case HashMap.lookup discriminatorValue m of
autodocodec> Nothing -> ...
autodocodec> Just (_, c) -> ...
autodocodec> CommentCodec _ c -> go value c
autodocodec> ReferenceCodec _ c -> go value c
autodocodec> RequiredKeyCodec k c _
autodocodec> -> do valueAtKey <- (value :: Object) .: Compat.toKey k
autodocodec> go valueAtKey c JSON.<?> Key (Compat.toKey k)
autodocodec> OptionalKeyCodec k c _
autodocodec> -> do let ...
autodocodec> forM mValueAtKey $ \ valueAtKey -> ...
autodocodec> OptionalKeyWithDefaultCodec k c defaultValue _
autodocodec> -> do let ...
autodocodec> case mValueAtKey of
autodocodec> Nothing -> ...
autodocodec> Just valueAtKey -> ...
autodocodec> OptionalKeyWithOmittedDefaultCodec k c defaultValue mDoc
autodocodec> -> go value $ OptionalKeyWithDefaultCodec k c defaultValue mDoc
autodocodec> PureCodec a -> pure a
autodocodec> ApCodec ocf oca
autodocodec> -> go (value :: Object) ocf <*> go (value :: Object) oca
autodocodec> • Relevant bindings include
autodocodec> c :: JSONCodec v (bound at src/Autodocodec/Aeson/Decode.hs:80:16)
autodocodec> |
autodocodec> 80 | MapCodec c -> liftParseJSON (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) value :: JSON.Parser (Map _ _)
autodocodec> | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
autodocodec> src/Autodocodec/Aeson/Decode.hs:80:36: error: [GHC-83865]
autodocodec> • Couldn't match expected type: Maybe [v]
autodocodec> with actual type: Value -> Parser v
autodocodec> • In the first argument of ‘liftParseJSON’, namely ‘(`go` c)’
autodocodec> In the expression:
autodocodec> liftParseJSON (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) value :: Parser (Map _ _)
autodocodec> In a \case alternative:
autodocodec> MapCodec c
autodocodec> -> liftParseJSON (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) value ::
autodocodec> Parser (Map _ _)
autodocodec> • Relevant bindings include
autodocodec> c :: JSONCodec v (bound at src/Autodocodec/Aeson/Decode.hs:80:16)
autodocodec> |
autodocodec> 80 | MapCodec c -> liftParseJSON (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) value :: JSON.Parser (Map _ _)
autodocodec> | ^^^^^^
autodocodec> src/Autodocodec/Aeson/Decode.hs:80:63: error: [GHC-83865]
autodocodec> • Couldn't match type ‘Value’ with ‘Value -> Parser [[v]]’
autodocodec> Expected: Value -> Parser [[v]]
autodocodec> Actual: context1
autodocodec> • In the third argument of ‘liftParseJSON’, namely ‘value’
autodocodec> In the expression:
autodocodec> liftParseJSON (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) value :: Parser (Map _ _)
autodocodec> In a \case alternative:
autodocodec> MapCodec c
autodocodec> -> liftParseJSON (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) value ::
autodocodec> Parser (Map _ _)
autodocodec> • Relevant bindings include
autodocodec> c :: JSONCodec v (bound at src/Autodocodec/Aeson/Decode.hs:80:16)
autodocodec> |
autodocodec> 80 | MapCodec c -> liftParseJSON (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) value :: JSON.Parser (Map _ _)
autodocodec> | ^^^^^
autodocodec> [9 of 9] Compiling Paths_autodocodec ( dist/build/autogen/Paths_autodocodec.hs, dist/build/Paths_autodocodec.o, dist/build/Paths_autodocodec.dyn_o )
error: builder for '/nix/store/842kg44cwi3x0riw4zvasjcpra2910an-autodocodec-' failed with exit code 1;
last 10 log lines:
> In a \case alternative:
> MapCodec c
> -> liftParseJSON (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) value ::
> Parser (Map _ _)
> • Relevant bindings include
> c :: JSONCodec v (bound at src/Autodocodec/Aeson/Decode.hs:80:16)
> |
> 80 | MapCodec c -> liftParseJSON (`go` c) (`go` listCodec c) value :: JSON.Parser (Map _ _)
> | ^^^^^
> [9 of 9] Compiling Paths_autodocodec ( dist/build/autogen/Paths_autodocodec.hs, dist/build/Paths_autodocodec.o, dist/build/Paths_autodocodec.dyn_o )
caught by