NorfairKing / sydtest

A modern testing framework for Haskell with good defaults and advanced testing features.
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async test runner can crash of arbitrarly fail test with AsyncCancelled #82

Closed guibou closed 2 months ago

guibou commented 3 months ago


edit the race condition happen even with a simple it, I've updated the title, but not the rest of the description.

A really simple test suite with beforeAll_ can either fail the test with AsynCancelled or crash the complete test suite with Main: thread blocked indefinitely in an MVar operation.

Note that I've read the "footgun" documentation section for around but it don't think I'm in this context.


I do have the following test suite:

import Test.Syd

main = sydTest $ do
  describe "test" $ do
    beforeAll_ (pure ()) $ do
      it "cheval" $ do
        1 `shouldBe` 1

Built with ghc -threaded Main.hs and run with ./Main --continuous +RTS -N (in my context -N means -N8)

After a while:

Running iteration: 22413 with seed 22455
Running iteration: 22414 with seed 22456
Running iteration: 22415 with seed 22457
Running iteration: 22416 with seed 22458
Running iteration: 22417 with seed 22459
Main: thread blocked indefinitely in an MVar operation

Note that sometime I also have something like:


  ✗ cheval                                                                 0.02 ms
    Retries: 2 !!! FLAKY !!!


  ✗ 1 test.cheval
      Retries: 2 !!! FLAKY !!!

  Examples:                     2
  Passed:                       0
  Failed:                       1
  Flaky:                        1
  Sum of test runtimes:         0.00 seconds
  Test suite took:              0.32 seconds

This is with the following test suite which is basically the same as before, but the code in the it (the one which will be run in a "job" by the scheduler) takes longer.

import Test.Syd
import Data.Hashable
import Data.Time (getCurrentTime)

fibo :: Int -> Int
fibo 0 = 1
fibo 1 = 1
fibo n = fibo (n - 1) + fibo (n - 2)

main = sydTest $ do
  describe "test" $ do
    beforeAll (print "bonjour" >> pure 9) $ do
      itWithOuter "cheval" $ \n -> do
        fibo n `shouldBe` fibo n


My tests are run in parallel, but I'm surprised to see that most test in sydtest test suite using beforeAll are run with sequential.

My current guess is that they may be a race condition in the Asynchroneous runner. Either the thread producing on an MVar is killed and the complete runner crashs, or the opposite and async race (or concurrently, ...) raises AsyncCancelled in the job running the current content. My second example, which takes more time in the "job" part seems to trigger this more often.

edit I've also tried with before and I'm observing the same problem.

There is no problem if this part of the suite is run with sequential


NorfairKing commented 3 months ago

Wow this shouldn't be happening.

Is this a known limitation that code with before(All) should be run in a sequential context, even if the associated resource allocations are independent?

Nope, that should all just work. The tests run with sequential because it uses mvars to test behaviour. It looks like the tests have ignored this problem as a result.

Do you have an obvious idea where the problem may be? If not, tell me and I'll start investigating (We care about sydtest now and this behavior is really annoying right now so I can justify using my company time to fix this).

I only see one MVar in the async runner: the failFastVar. The --fail-fast option doesn't work very well with the async runner IIRC (I don't use --fail-fast with the async runner, but use --debug instead), so we may be able to fix multiple problems at once.

If not, tell me and I'll start investigating

Make sure to look at the development branch because the sydtest test suite has been refactored out of the sydtest package. It's now in a separate sydtest-test package.

guibou commented 3 months ago

I only see one MVar in the async runner: the failFastVar.

You are right! But actually, I think the problem is elsewhere and that's only a symptom.

Having a look at jobQueueWorker:

jobQueueWorker :: JobQueue -> Int -> IO ()
jobQueueWorker jobQueue workerIx = do
  let workingSem = jobQueueWorking jobQueue V.! workerIx
  forever $ do
    job <- dequeueJob jobQueue
    print "dequeue"
      (print "waitQem" >> waitQSem workingSem >> print "gotSem")
      (signalQSem workingSem)
      (job workerIx)

(the print are mine)

And blockUntilDone:

-- | Block until all workers are done (waiting to dequeue a job).
blockUntilDone :: JobQueue -> IO ()
blockUntilDone JobQueue {..} = do
  -- Wait until the queue is empty.
  print "wait empty"
  atomically $ isEmptyTBQueue jobQueueTBQueue >>= STM.check
  print "wait all"
  -- No new work can be started now, because the queue is empty.
  -- That means that all workers are either waiting for another job or still
  -- doing a job.

  -- Wait for all workers to stop working.
  -- That means that they're all just done working now or waiting for another job.
  -- Both are fine.
  V.forM_ jobQueueWorking waitQSem
  -- The workers are now all done and the queue is empty, and this is the only
  -- thread enqueueing jobs, so no work is happening.
  -- Release all the workers so they can work again after this function.
  print "signal all"
  V.forM_ jobQueueWorking signalQSem

The semantic is that the complete tree of job to be run is walked, pushing job to the queue, then blockUntilDone is called.

Now suppose that the workers hadn't time to get the jobs from the queue. The queue is then containing 1 item (if our spec had only one it).

blockUntilDone will wait on the queue to be empty. This will happen immediatly after jobQueueWorker picked the job with dequeueJob However, now, the job is not in the queue anymore, so V.forM_ jobQueueWorking waitQSem is run, consumnig all the job token. And then signalQSem is done, refreshing all job token, and then blockUNtilDone terminates, the main loop terminates.

BUT in jobQueueWoker, we just enter the bracket_.

The race condition is where I print "dequeue", if the job stays too long there because of scheduling, the blockUntilDone can terminate.

The solution would be to ensure that dequeuing the job AND picking a semaphore token happen in an atomic way.

I guess this output confirm this scenario:

"wait empty"
"wait all"
"signal all"
"failure of failFastVar"
"failure of var"
"failure of race"
"end of printer"
guibou commented 3 months ago
diff --git a/sydtest/src/Test/Syd/Runner/Asynchronous.hs b/sydtest/src/Test/Syd/Runner/Asynchronous.hs
index 413c354..c90ade0 100644
--- a/sydtest/src/Test/Syd/Runner/Asynchronous.hs
+++ b/sydtest/src/Test/Syd/Runner/Asynchronous.hs
@@ -73,14 +73,14 @@ data JobQueue = JobQueue
     jobQueueTBQueue :: !(TBQueue Job),
     -- | One semaphore per worker, which needs to be awaited before the worker
     -- can start doing a job.
-    jobQueueWorking :: !(Vector QSem)
+    jobQueueWorkingCount :: !(TVar Int)

 -- | Make a new job queue with a given number of workers and capacity
 newJobQueue :: Word -> Word -> IO JobQueue
 newJobQueue nbWorkers spots = do
   jobQueueTBQueue <- newTBQueueIO (fromIntegral spots)
-  jobQueueWorking <- V.replicateM (fromIntegral nbWorkers) (newQSem 1)
+  jobQueueWorkingCount <- newTVarIO (fromIntegral 0)
   pure JobQueue {..}

 -- | Enqueue a job, block until that's possible.
@@ -105,11 +105,11 @@ blockUntilDone JobQueue {..} = do
   -- Wait for all workers to stop working.
   -- That means that they're all just done working now or waiting for another job.
   -- Both are fine.
-  V.forM_ jobQueueWorking waitQSem
-  -- The workers are now all done and the queue is empty, and this is the only
-  -- thread enqueueing jobs, so no work is happening.
-  -- Release all the workers so they can work again after this function.
-  V.forM_ jobQueueWorking signalQSem
+  atomically $ do
+    c <- readTVar jobQueueWorkingCount
+    if c > 0
+    then retry
+    else pure ()

 withJobQueueWorkers :: Word -> JobQueue -> IO a -> IO a
 withJobQueueWorkers nbWorkers jobQueue func =
@@ -121,14 +121,16 @@ withJobQueueWorkers nbWorkers jobQueue func =
     (\_ -> func)

 jobQueueWorker :: JobQueue -> Int -> IO ()
-jobQueueWorker jobQueue workerIx = do
-  let workingSem = jobQueueWorking jobQueue V.! workerIx
+jobQueueWorker JobQueue{..} workerIx = do
   forever $ do
-    job <- dequeueJob jobQueue
-    bracket_
-      (waitQSem workingSem)
-      (signalQSem workingSem)
-      (job workerIx)
+    bracket
+      (atomically $ do
+         job <- readTBQueue jobQueueTBQueue
+         modifyTVar' jobQueueWorkingCount (+1)
+         pure job
+      )
+      (\_ -> atomically $ modifyTVar jobQueueWorkingCount (subtract 1))
+      (\job -> job workerIx)

 -- The plan is as follows:

This looks like to work. I'll open an MR tomorrow with comment and more tests.

The idea is instead of a semaphore, I use a TVar counting the number of running jobs. The bracket for a job atomically dequeue and increase the count or decreases it.

The wait all jobs ensure that the queue is empty (as before) and then waits until the job count is 0 (maybe both operations need to happen in the same transaction, I need to think).

guibou commented 3 months ago


Actually, the race condition ALWAYS exists, and is not related to the usage of before in any way. The problem appears even with this simple codebase:

import Test.Syd

main = sydTest $ do
  describe "test" $ do
      it "cheval" $ do
        1 `shouldBe` 1

However, the more test the test group contains, the less the chance of the race condition have to appear because while waiting for the i-1 sem in V.forM_ jobQueueWorking waitQSem, it gives "enough" time for the i...N other workers to do their waitQSem after picking a job.

So it explains why this could have been hidden for so long, it is really rare to have a test suite with really few AND slow items.

I'll write the MR.