Normal-OJ / new-front-end

v2 client for Normal Online Judge
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Remembering and Forgetting Passwords #97

Open DWyatb opened 1 year ago

DWyatb commented 1 year ago
  1. It would be helpful if the login page could include a checkbox for users to remember their password.
  2. The "Forgot Password" function is currently unavailable.
uier commented 1 year ago

Hi @DWyatb, thank you for opening this issue! glad to see users coming to report issues :)

Remember password

As modern browsers/password managers have the feature of remembering the password, I'm curious if the browser you're using doesn't provide this feature or if it doesn't work on If that's not the case, I think there need to be more reasons why we should add this feature to our website. Because what we'll probably do is store the password in local storage without hashing, which is what browsers are doing today (if you enable the feature). Overall, please provide more information if could

Forget Password

That's a good point. Actually we have this function back in our previous website, but we have not promote it in the new website ( I think we can:

as a temporary solution.

Anyone is welcome to contribute, or it would not be resolved until I'm available.


DWyatb commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your prompt response. Here are a few thoughts I'd like to share.

About remember password: I think adding this function can save users time and trouble from having to enter their password again during their next login, thus improving user experience and efficiency. However, storing passwords directly in the browser may pose some security risks, as the stored passwords may be compromised if the browser or computer is hacked or malfunctions. Therefore, I personally do not store passwords in my browser. Nonetheless, this is not an urgent issue or a bug, but rather a personal preference. Therefore, there may not be a need to make any changes.

About forget password: That's a helpful suggestion! I'll definitely try if I have some free time.

Thank you again for your response and suggestions!