NormandErwan / DocFxForUnity

DocFX usage example for Unity projects
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Unable to generate documentation using github actions #27

Open SushiWaUmai opened 1 year ago

SushiWaUmai commented 1 year ago

I have a problem where I want to generate documentation, using github actions where the .csproj files are not available. Is it possible to generate the documentation without the .csproj files? Or could you generate the .csproj files on the fly inside the action itself?

NormandErwan commented 1 year ago

It's not ideal, but I commit the .csproj to the repo.

I need to update the Readme with this info, it's missing. Thank you for the issue!

You could also generate the documentation using just the .cs files (to config in the docfx.json > metadata section). But the generation was not good, although I can't remember why.

When I made the repo a few years back, I didn't find a solution to generate the .csproj files on the fly, as GitHub actions were quite new. But I think a lot of effort has been done with GameCI. It should be possible now.

Or an alternative should be to commit a very simple .NET .csproj in the Documentation/ folder. I will give it a try.

kushG commented 4 months ago

If you are working with Rider you can call Packages.Rider.Editor.RiderScriptEditor.SyncSolution this method from your CI job. There might be something similar for Visual Studio if you don't have Rider