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(Beta 1.05) Color scheme used for User Scale Customization is confusing #5

Closed worblyhead closed 1 year ago

worblyhead commented 1 year ago

When selecting which notes to specify in the User Scale Customization window, the colors used for natural notes and accidentals (#/b) is a bit confusing as well as the enabled/disabled color state. It is not clear to me what is and what is not actually selected for the scale.

1) Navigate to Main Menu > Options > General 2) At the bottom of the General pane note the default color scheme for the customizable scale (are they all selected or deselected?) 3) Now click a few of the "keys" and again NOTE the change in color...did the key get selected or deselected?

As an aside and not to get into solution space, have you considered:

i) using a standard keyboard layout here for specifying the user scale? ii) If not a standard keyboard layout, then a tooltip or overlay of the text representing the note (i.e. C, G#, Bb etc.) ?

Nornec commented 1 year ago

I like the label idea. I'll put the root names on the keys. They are all selected by default, but I can make the colors clearer.

Nornec commented 1 year ago

Fixed for the next version. I standardized the color to be like other buttons when they are enabled/disabled and added a root label instead of relying merely on the height of the buttons to let you know that it is either a sharp or a non sharp. Also, now the root note is not configurable.