The blog feed page requires the following user stories:
[x] As a user, I want to see an interactive banner carousel on the blog feed page, so that I can view a rotation of the 3 latest posts.
[x] As a user, I want to click on a button for each carousel item, taking me to the blog post page to read more.
[x] As a user, I want to click on the previous or next button in the carousel to animate and reveal another post, to ensure I can see different posts easily.
[x] As a user, I want to view a static list of the 12 latest posts in a responsive thumbnail grid on the blog feed page, so I can easily select which post to read.
The blog feed page requires the following user stories:
[x] As a user, I want to see an interactive banner carousel on the blog feed page, so that I can view a rotation of the 3 latest posts.
[x] As a user, I want to click on a button for each carousel item, taking me to the blog post page to read more.
[x] As a user, I want to click on the previous or next button in the carousel to animate and reveal another post, to ensure I can see different posts easily.
[x] As a user, I want to view a static list of the 12 latest posts in a responsive thumbnail grid on the blog feed page, so I can easily select which post to read.