Norric1Admin / maptemplates

Map templates
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Generate maptemplates CSV #12

Open Norric1Admin opened 5 years ago

Norric1Admin commented 5 years ago

(Follows on from

The fastest way to get the boundary names and codes is to make a copy of geog.json in .csv format, using a converter such as MyGeodata Converter. Search for the GeoCode ('id') and boundary name ('am0/1/2...') columns, extracting them into a new Excel sheet and renaming them as follows...

Next, add your data to the row matching its location. Data from the first year will go into COLUMN 3 ('time1'), second year into COLUMN 4 ('time 2'), and so on. Leave a blank cell for missing data. You will define the actual year value in the associated config.json file in the indicator folder.