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Problem with Forestry Build #306

Closed RassanGrant closed 5 years ago

RassanGrant commented 6 years ago

Hey @vleong2332 - Could you please have a look at this Wercker Pipeline and let us know what's wrong and what needs to be fixed?

Slack says this is the issue: "build for by rassan has failed on branch develop at step: Compile static assets" but Wercker says it's related to a "slack-notifier failure."

We just need to make sure Kevin can make edits via Forestry whenever he needs to. Let us know what's up and what you'd need timewise to fix it. Thanks!

vleong2332 commented 6 years ago

@RassanGrant From what I see, the failure is caused by invalid date and layout on that commit.

This sounds like an automatically generated commit. We can manually remove the offending lines and it will fix it for this time. I'm afraid this could happen again if we didn't know what the real problem is. Since I don't think I have access to Forestry, I would try to see if @kevinnorstone did anything different in there that may have caused those 2 lines to be generated with an empty value ('').

Let me know if I can be of more help.

vleong2332 commented 6 years ago

@RassanGrant After looking at it some more, here's my conclusion.

TL; DR; What failed the build is an empty date on the xlx-rock page. The reason the date was empty was because it was the first time it was edited through Forestry.

Here's the history:

History summary:

  1. The file was created by hand some time ago (without date and layout)
  2. It had been edited by hand for some time.
  3. On Oct 28, it was edited through Forestry.
  4. Forestry's form has date and layout fields that were initialized as empty (because of number 1).
  5. When the edits were saved in Forestry, the date and layout were generated as empty on Github.
  6. The empty date broke the build.

Fix proposal: To avoid similar problem in the future, I would make the date field on Forestry as required.

Let me know if you need my help to do that.

vleong2332 commented 6 years ago

Here's the summary of the solution: