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Scaffold, Speed, Clip, FastClimb, NoSlow, Step, SlimeJump #413

Open Regomy opened 2 years ago

Regomy commented 2 years ago

A bug report/issue report should contain:

1) GodsEye AntiCheat | Advanced Detection Build 49 HotFix-2 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) - Scaffold, Speed, Clip, FastClimb, NoSlow, Step, SlimeJump

Regomy commented 2 years ago

"Scaffold": { "Mode": "Normal", "MaxDelay": 22, "MinDelay": 22, "PlaceDelay": true, "AutoBlock": "Spoof", "Sprint": true, "Swing": false, "Search": true, "Down": true, "PlaceTiming": "Pre", "Eagle": "Normal", "BlocksToEagle": 0, "EagleEdgeDistance": 0.0, "ExpandLength": 1, "Strafe": "Off", "Rotations": true, "SilentRotation": true, "KeepRotation": true, "KeepRotationLength": 0, "XYZSearch": "AutoCenter", "xzRange": 0.8, "yRange": 0.8, "MinDist": 0.0, "SearchAccuracy": 7, "MaxTurnSpeed": 180.0, "MinTurnSpeed": 180.0, "Zitter": "Off", "ZitterSpeed": 0.13, "ZitterStrength": 0.05, "Timer": 1.0, "SpeedModifier": 1.0, "Slow": false, "SlowSpeed": 0.6, "SameY": true, "SafeWalk": true, "AirSafe": true, "Counter": true, "Mark": false } "Speed": { "Mode": "Custom", "CustomSpeed": 0.25, "CustomY": 0.26, "CustomTimer": 1.04, "CustomStrafe": true, "CustomResetXZ": false, "CustomResetY": false, "AAC-PortLength": 1.0, "AACGround-Timer": 3.0, "CubeCraft-PortLength": 1.0, "MineplexGround-Speed": 0.5 }

Nort721 commented 2 years ago

Hey there, thanks for the report, we will probably patch the easier stuff, but we are currently working on a recode that will most likely patch all of this up at once, once it gets released

for now we also ask you to make your report videos unlisted on youtube to not promote cheating