Nort721 / GodsEye

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False Movement check #441

Closed QluxpEL closed 2 years ago

QluxpEL commented 2 years ago

1) Build 50 [test Server] 2) No idea, i was in official test server 3) No idea, i was in official test server 4) No acces to it. 5) Video proof ment (Start watching video from 0:23) 6) If your on snow and start sneak jumbing Gods Eye whil think your using som cheats and start flaging you

QluxpEL commented 2 years ago

i delete video from youtube as misstake. here is same proof (Start watching video from 0:23)

Nort721 commented 2 years ago

As I explained in your other report the setbacks issue is not caused by GodsEye but by issues in other plugins on our test server, in this video, it causes a few speed flags, the setbacks themselves are unlikely to happen on your server so its unlikely that people will get falsely flagged by them on your server if you encounter this issue on your server though let us know and will check it out