Nort721 / GodsEye

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velocity not flagging/false flagging #485

Open CorruptSelf opened 1 year ago

CorruptSelf commented 1 year ago

Velocity wont flag using 0 kb or any form of reduced kb. Also false flagging for velocity when its not on.

false flagging not in video.

Nort721 commented 1 year ago

Thats not a fail, you are not getting flagged because you are surrounded its a safety mechanism against false flagging horizontal velocity checks, if you are surrounded by blocks you wouldnt be able to properly get knocked back which means GodsEye has less movement data to work with

CorruptSelf commented 1 year ago

Happens in the open aswell

Nort721 commented 1 year ago

Can you provide a video? And client with settings

CorruptSelf commented 1 year ago

Can you provide a video? And client with settings

Video will have to wait till tomorrow, private client, using 1% horizontal kb 1% vertical, 1% horizontal works on Karhu AC aswell so

Nort721 commented 1 year ago

GodsEye does not currently detect 1% reducement of horizontal kb so would not require a video, the current horizontal velocity checks are experimental and only detect higher percentages

Please note that while we always attempt to give the best detections we can from our research, GodsEye still is a budget anticheat and targets blocking cheats that give sagnificate advantage

CorruptSelf commented 1 year ago

GodsEye does not currently detect 1% reducement of horizontal kb so would not require a video, the current horizontal velocity checks are experimental and only detect higher percentages

Please note that while we always attempt to give the best detections we can from our research, GodsEye still is a budget anticheat and targets blocking cheats that give sagnificate advantage

1% as in 99% reduction

CorruptSelf commented 1 year ago

GodsEye does not currently detect 1% reducement of horizontal kb so would not require a video, the current horizontal velocity checks are experimental and only detect higher percentages

Please note that while we always attempt to give the best detections we can from our research, GodsEye still is a budget anticheat and targets blocking cheats that give sagnificate advantage

also. In the video provided you can see i take no kb at all

Nort721 commented 1 year ago

Alright I see, In open areas GodsEye should be able to detect that also depending if the client delays ticks, current GodsEye doesnt support that

And I already explained why what happens in the video happens, doesnt matter how much horizontal kb you get you are blocked horizontally

Also can you explain the false flags?

CorruptSelf commented 1 year ago

client is not delaying ticks, like i mentioned no flagging occurs in the open aswell. I mentioned the video because you failed to make the inference that i meant 99% reduction when it was shown in the video.

as for the false flagging he would flag for velocity type a, a few times then spam type b and also flagged knockback while we were just fighting in the open

Nort721 commented 1 year ago

I'd suggest testing this in our official test server to eliminate the possibily of setup issues and see if all these issues still persists