North-Seattle-College / ad440-winter2020-thursday-repo

Repository for AD440 Thursday Class in Winter 2020
Apache License 2.0
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Turn on Authorization & Authentication in API Gateway #193

Open mattyplo opened 4 years ago

mattyplo commented 4 years ago

Turn on Authorization and Authentication in API Gateway. You will need to automate this task with a boto3 script. Estimated time: 6 hours Actual time: 5 hours

robezal commented 4 years ago

For the task I needed to create an Authorizer for Api Gateway that would use Cognito User Pool(previously created) for authorization process. Then Ui team would be able to send an "Authorization" header with the identity token obtained from login query with the request to the Api call to pass the authorization. Script has been created for the purpose of automating the creation of Authorizer in Api Gateway. PR: Wiki: Test: Bug: