North-Seattle-College / ad440-winter2021-thursday-repo

NSC AD 440 Winter 2021 Thursday cohort practicum repo
Apache License 2.0
2 stars 27 forks source link

[Task]:Change the GitHub action for serverless-artillery to test the new function /users/{user_id} and save the results in the right bucket #140

Open yergu opened 3 years ago

yergu commented 3 years ago


Installing serverless-artillery npm install -g serverless-artillery

Setting up the Load Test Configuration create serverless-artillery-test-users-id-api.yml

1.Setup AWS account credentials 2.Uplode the test result to S3 bucket

  1. Deploy to AWS using the following command The slsart deploy command deploys required assets to the AWS account
  2. Invoke run slsart invoke --stage At the end of the test serverless-artillery will generate a report of the test
  3. Remove Rremove the AWS CloudFormation Stack deployed
    6 Create github action Workflow to automate the performance testing

Steps see the result

  1. Go to my fork yergu/ad440-winter2021-thursday-repo
  2. Change my branch to feature/GitHub-action-for-serverless-artillery
  3. Click on Actions
  4. Click on : Performance-Test serverless-artillery-action-users-id-api
  5. Click the recent workflow runs on he right pan
  6. Click on serverless artillery users Api Test and you will get the result
Date Activity Time Spent
2/8/2021 Create Task and set up the environment, 3 hour
2/10/2021 Doing resurches 3 hour
2/12/2021 Trying to understand codes  written by other teams 3 hour
1/14/2021 Writhing cods and  to test   2 hours
1/15/2021- Testing 3  hours
1/16/2021 Researching and Testing 2 hours