North-Seattle-College / ad440-winter2022-tuesday-repo

North Seattle College AD 440 Winter 2020 Cloud Practicum class repoitory
Apache License 2.0
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Demo the deployment of the React web site to the S3 bucket #146

Closed toddysm closed 2 years ago

toddysm commented 2 years ago

User Story

As a user, The in-class demo will showcase the ability to push changes to the development branch, It create a S3-Bucket that includes a connecting URL to the UI in a new browser window.

Here are the steps of the demo:

  1. Create your own branch feature/demo
  2. Make a change in the React app (add a comment in one of the files)
  3. Commit the change
  4. Push the branch
  5. Create PR from development
  6. Somebody should approve the PR
  7. Show the action for S3 executing
  8. Pull the URL for the bucket
  9. Load the URL from the bucket in the browser
  10. Pass the URL to the rest of the frontend team for the rest of the demo. (Slack or Zoom chat)

Time Spent on Issue:

Task Breakdown Description Approx. Time
Prep demo 15 mins
Approximate Demo Time 5 mins

Connected PR

PR #171 was made for demoing purposes only. All details are in this issue.