North-Seattle-College / ad440-winter2022-tuesday-repo

North Seattle College AD 440 Winter 2020 Cloud Practicum class repoitory
Apache License 2.0
0 stars 4 forks source link

Test the main UI flow for the application #156

Closed toddysm closed 2 years ago

toddysm commented 2 years ago

User Story

As a developer I would like to test the main UI flow of the application by doing the following:

The response should be:


for each sentence.


Can be tested using GitHub actions link provided after merging branch to development as seen on issue #105 or locally using npm start.

Estimated time to complete

3 hrs

Time Spent on Issue:

Task Time
UI Testing 0.5 hr
Team Meetings 1 hr
Creating PR 0.5 hrs
Total 2 hrs

Test results:
