North-Wyke-Farm-Platform / NWFP-WEB-000

To serve as a placeholder for all ideas regarding the new site for the NWFP - there might be some code there eventually
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Create a BLANK Laravel 11 site #11

Open nathcast opened 1 month ago

nathcast commented 1 month ago

Aiming to get started with a BLANK Laravel11, Jetstream, livewire, Tailwind.... and so on I have directions from what I have done in Version 10: At the moment, I have issues on my machine as nothing seems to work. I am stuck with the version of PHP I have, Have not managed to get DOCKER to behave, cannot connect to PGSQL from my machine

Tech Nathalie Luke
PHP 8.3 No
PGSQL driver no
Docker Installed but not doing as advertised
HERD installed, but not giving me 8.3


Once I have that, I can use that as a base for other apps like the e-RA new app, hence sharing that development time with e-RA

nathcast commented 1 month ago

  1. use HERD to create NWFP2024-001 in LaravelNWFP - PHP 8.3, Should be 11
  2. Open code on VSCODE
  3. Install required dependencies
    composer require laravel/jetstream filament/filament joelbutcher/socialstream
  4. Install Jetstream Livewire and filament stack,
    php artisan jetstream:install livewire

    Using version ^5.1 for laravel/jetstream Using version ^3.2 for filament/filament Using version ^6.0 for joelbutcher/socialstream

php artisan filament:install --panels

5: install the Socialstream stack for Filament:

php artisan socialstream:install filament

6: Socialstream for your desired Jetstream stack

php artisan socialstream:install jetstream livewire

7: created app on GitHub NWFP and set up services.