North-Wyke-Farm-Platform / NWFP-WEB-000

To serve as a placeholder for all ideas regarding the new site for the NWFP - there might be some code there eventually
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Start transfer of content from Drupal Database to New Site database #5

Open nathcast opened 2 months ago

nathcast commented 2 months ago

A dozen of pages of content can be copied as is in the new site: we have a list. Another few can be made into tables of database that can be maintained in the admin filament.

nathcast commented 1 month ago

Luke to copy source of pages from the list into title.blade.php - only the


nathcast commented 1 month ago

I have started to tranfer the content into a simple layout like this:


This enables me to have the content in one place. Some pages will be full pages content, others will be included into other pages, and I need to work this out.

We can use either LUNACY or the exel spreadsheet to decide what will become a model for data and what will become simple pages.

nathcast commented 1 month ago
Page No Page Title URL Comments Blade.PHP
1 Landing page The home page might look totally different
2 Contacts and Site Visits   contacts.blade. And site_visits
3 User Guides, Information, Data Portal Updates and External Links Make Models and database filled
4 North Wyke and the Farm Platform as a Test-Bed For Advances in Sensor Technologies   advanced_technologies
5 Overview & Hypotheses   overview
6 Publications Are they in a database somewhere? Can we leverage that? pubications
7 Agri-Modelling   agri_modelling
8 Live Catchment Data Trends and Meteorogical Data   live_trends
9 Key Research Findings   key_findings
10 Experiments Maybe don't include this one as this was set up as an interim to show how the NWFP was being used until  the data were being published in Journals etc.  experiments
11 Timeline of Events   timeline
12 Farm Platform Map   map
13 Datasets Available on the Data Portal and Record Counts   data_collection
14 Using Our Facilities and Opportunities for Co-Development   facilities
15 News (example)   lamb-cheque
nathcast commented 1 month ago

I have made blade.php files for each of these pages including the ones I know will end up as a data model - but it is nice to get an idea of what there is.