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Tech Talks for Conwy event. #31

Closed carwyn closed 8 years ago

carwyn commented 8 years ago

List of possible speakers:

Carwyn: Intro Mk 3 Rob: His fault, he can talk about something :) Ian Woodrow maybe (based in Abergele): Wind turbine software. Cambrian Photography have shown an initial interest. Gary Smith: keen as he's Llandudno based. Ronan: Techy art. Ant Dickinson: music tech Conwy Council as sponsors?

.. there are more in my head :)

jonbullock commented 8 years ago

If I'm about that week I'd be happy to do a talk on

carwyn commented 8 years ago

Ant has confirmed he'd like to do one in Conwy. He's also keen to do a larger Art and Tech one later in the year.

robshep commented 8 years ago

Les Pritchard of Neterix (tech talk & presentation)

robshep commented 8 years ago

Possibly Jon Leighton of Loco2 ( needs some coercion :) )

carwyn commented 8 years ago

Ian Woodrow needs time to get permission from previous employer. The energy focused event in Electric Mountain may be a better target.

carwyn commented 8 years ago

Have we got an initial list we can put up on meetup?

Cameron Gray has a networking related one he's mentioned too.

carwyn commented 8 years ago

If you need me to MC for this I can, thinking Medieval & Castles undertones.

robshep commented 8 years ago

Confirmed as of 11/5

Jon Bullock - JBake and ASCIIDoctor Les Pritchard - Title TBC Jonny Coombes - Experiences and Primer of Scala Ant - Pure Data Audio and Performance Supertemps - IT recruitment sponsored refreshments break

I'll put together a 5min primer on the NodeMCU boards as a way of generating interest in future hacking projects.

Waiting on replies from invited speakers: CP, JL & CG, i'll update shortly.


carwyn commented 8 years ago

@robshep yy Adafruit Huzzah esp8266 (NodeMCU and Micropython compatiible) arrived yesterday. Fancy doing a double act intro to esp8266? Triple act if @davehun is interested?

Would be good to have some flashy lights there!

Really keen to start running micro-controller workshops in June/July.

robshep commented 8 years ago

Surething. I just had arrive a Weemo LUA board.

I’m not sure how much time I’ll have for tinkering, but should be fun.

I think the approach of one person making slides and the other person delivery the presentation was humorous and could be developed further?!?.

I notice JSOxford have a “show and tell” - I’d like to introduce this as a means of getting more engageemnt and interaction - I think there's lots of possibility and something I really enjoyed at the december event.

I'm happy to do a show and tell on the Weemo, if you want to do one on the Huzzah, maybe @glynhudson has used the esp8266 also!

We could advertise a show and tell session to prep the delegates and then fill in with our own?

carwyn commented 8 years ago

How about I make a deck for ESP8266 related stuff (high level) and we do what Jo and I did at the last event? :) All he send me was a few photos he definitely wanted in and I .. erm .. took liberties.

I can talk about Micropython if @robshep or @davehun can talk about NodeMCU .. both run on the ESP8266.

Show and Tell 2-5 min talks came up with Jo too, as did "slide roulette" where people do talks about each other's slides. Tamsin was particularly interested in smaller events where people can dip their toes in public speaking, thinking PAYF Cafe or Lodge Dinorwig or Caban for this.

An "everyone must talk" event focusing on how to give talks was also mentioned. There are a few random slideshow generators out there too that build decks from search queries :)

This book is very much worth reading too:

carwyn commented 8 years ago

An ESP intro is worth doing in Gwynedd too as it will help round people up to do hands on stuff which after the Soldering Workshop feedback (very positive) I'm really keen to do.

robshep commented 8 years ago

Only if you refrain from calling it a "deck" - corporate buzzword bingo terms make me shudder.

The more people who start using the term "deck" makes me want to revert back to Clear OHP slides and pens!!

We could feature that in a "retro" tech event HA HA. (no joke)

Yes, more on ESP certainly as we go forward, but I was going to do just two slides. one for hardware, and one for a LUA HTTP client on a pin event etc.... as a quick appetite whetter

jonbullock commented 8 years ago

My talk will just be on JBake for now, I'll leave Asciidoctor for another talk at a different event.

carwyn commented 8 years ago

@robshep ha ok, that's given me an idea :) "deck" is banned.

We so need to do a buzzword bingo social event.

Will see what I have time to rustle up.

carwyn commented 8 years ago

Ant's title: Crossed Lines' - the trials and tribulations of making digitally controlled medieval Welsh musical instruments (integrating Pure Data with solenoids on musical instruments).

robshep commented 8 years ago

Update Confirmed as of 11/5 13:00

• Jon Bullock - JBake, static site generation

• Jonny Coombes - Experiences with Scala

• Les Pritchard - A surprise.

• Jon Leighton - High and Lows of OpenSource: A perspective from a Rails core developer.

• Ant Dickinson - Crossed Lines' - the trials and tribulations of making digitally controlled medieval Welsh musical instruments (integrating Pure Data with solenoids on musical instruments).

• Show and Tell - Stand up and tell us your tech! Quick fire: including an introduction to ESP8266 and NodeMCU/Micropython

• Supertemps: IT recruitment sponsored refreshments break.

That's a great line up, enough for the invite to out again!


robshep commented 8 years ago

emailed out via meetup group

carwyn commented 8 years ago

@robshep are you ok with a 7pm start for the actual talks? Mentioned in email to yourself and Sian about the other event in Bangor that's finishing at 18:30:

robshep commented 8 years ago

@carwyn Yep - that's what I'm aiming for!

carwyn commented 8 years ago

I can offer lifts over from Bangor (typically people at the above event) to Conwy.

robshep commented 8 years ago

Les will be talking on Rancher (A docker platform) which is a continuation of a theme and leads into advertising the Docker workshop.

carwyn commented 8 years ago

@davehun we need details for the Docker workshop (date and location by the 19th. I'm scoping out locations on Friday.

glynhudson commented 8 years ago

@davehun @carwyn 👍 for docker workshop. Keen to get an Emoncms docker image working. Just setup our new community forums based on discourse using a pre-built docker image. So nice and easy .....although I didn't have the build the dokcer image myself!

carwyn commented 8 years ago

Docker ticket is #34

carwyn commented 8 years ago

Microcontroller workshop series in #45