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Hackathon/Code Sprint/Hackergarten event? #43

Open jonbullock opened 8 years ago

jonbullock commented 8 years ago

How about running a Hackergarten event - ?

Andres Almiray who seems to be involved in arranging them at most JVM based events is the maintainer of the Gradle plugin for JBake so I'm sure I could get him to plug any event on Twitter etc.

carwyn commented 8 years ago

Very similar to code sprints and hackathons.

jonbullock commented 8 years ago

This type of event might be more practical when there is a enough interest in a specific language event.

They usually work well at conferences such as Devoxx which is pretty much JVM focused.

carwyn commented 8 years ago

A multi language hackathon would work. Set a specific task and implement in small teams however they want.

carwyn commented 8 years ago


jonbullock commented 8 years ago

Along the game theme there is:

Tsany commented 8 years ago

Tsany commented 8 years ago

In addition to running a new North Wales Tech Hackathon event, how about booking a couple of rooms (in, say, Ty Menai) for one or two existing "online" hackathons, to house several North Wales teams that are taking part?