Batching logic has a max instruction set of 65535, and with 4 instructions per INSERT the batch has a max messages of 64435/4. We need to optimize splitting the batch inserts while continuing to obey the upsert time.
Acceptance Criteria
New logic splits up inserts so there isnt any 1 item inserts
Proposed Solution
Split the items up using a division, where remainder is attached to one message, guarranteeing data over the limit wont be used.
Batching logic has a max instruction set of 65535, and with 4 instructions per INSERT the batch has a max messages of 64435/4. We need to optimize splitting the batch inserts while continuing to obey the upsert time.
Acceptance Criteria
Proposed Solution
Split the items up using a division, where remainder is attached to one message, guarranteeing data over the limit wont be used.
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