NorthernMan54 / homebridge-alexa

Expose your homebridge controlled devices to Amazon Alexa.
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Devices not responding temporarily #464

Closed aski71 closed 2 years ago

aski71 commented 2 years ago


I'm using homebridge 1.3.4 and homebridge-alexa 0.5.42 together with homebridge-fhem 0.5.31. Recently I'm getting "Device not responding" answers regularly from Alexa for existing devices temporarily. If I then use Siri with the same device (same configuration: Siri via homebridge and homebridge-fhem), the respective device reacts just fine.

Like this morning: I tried to switch on a certain device by saying "Switch on " to Alexa -> "Device not responding". Then I told Siri the same -> Worked. Then I said "Switch off " to Alexa an hour later -> it worked again.

This happens frequently recently. I don't know if it is connected with a node update I did. Node version is: V12.22.6 and npm is V6.14.15.

No hints in the logfiles.

Thanks for help, Alex

NorthernMan54 commented 2 years ago

Pls share a log from homebridge, I’m wondering if it is losing connection?

is this a duplicate of #459 ?

aski71 commented 2 years ago

Not sure it is, as I don't have a permanent problem, but a reoccurring one. What type of log do you need. I don't see anything relevant in it. How do I configure the log level? Also: currently it works. Happy to enable debugging and share logging once the problem reoccurs.

What is that refresh time option in the other thread and how do I modify it? Happy to try this as well with the stated beta version.

NorthernMan54 commented 2 years ago

Issue #459 can be intermittent hence the behaviour your seeing

If you install the beta version, it uses a different keepalive value, which may resolve the issue.

aski71 commented 2 years ago

I had the behaviour this morning that Alexa said "Device not responding" but then the command worked anyway after a certain delay. Did not see anything helpful in the log. Installing @beta now to check if that helps.

aski71 commented 2 years ago

Did not help. I had another "Device not responding" occurence. This time the device was not switched on. Still not able to see anything relevant in the logs.

aski71 commented 2 years ago

Today I also get 502 Bad Gateway when opening :-O

NorthernMan54 commented 2 years ago

@aski71 if you watch the discord, you can see that the cloud server went offline about 5 hours ago, just restarting it now.

aski71 commented 2 years ago

Since the server is back again I did not experience any more "Device not responding" issues. So it seems the @beta also did it for me. Thanks a lot!