NorthernMan54 / homebridge-alexa

Expose your homebridge controlled devices to Amazon Alexa.
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Issues with Shelly devices #492

Open MaurizioB84 opened 2 years ago

MaurizioB84 commented 2 years ago


when I try to sync my devices with alexa I found this error in the homebridge logs:

this is the error of alexa integration [1/10/2022, 12:12:46 PM] [Alexa] ERROR: Parsing failed, removing duplicate endpointID

This device (shelly 2.5) have 2 different channels but I think works via a single endpoint. The same device type configured as rollershutter (aka only one control on home app) works well

This device was included via shelly integrations link, I open the same bug to this plugin at here

Via Homebridge and also via home app I see 2 different devices

Can you please have a look on it?

NorthernMan54 commented 2 years ago

This is saying that the Alexa integration found two devices with the same name and type. And as Alexa uses name to differentiate devices, it removed the second or duplicate.

if the name can be adjusted, the issue will go away.

MaurizioB84 commented 2 years ago

unfortunately I cannot change the name, because it was automatic retrieved from the plugin, any other way?

NorthernMan54 commented 2 years ago

Have you tried changing the name in the home app?

with some plugins it works

MaurizioB84 commented 2 years ago

In attach you can find the details of configurations

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NorthernMan54 commented 2 years ago

If changing the name in the home app did not resolve the issue, have you tried changing the name in the shelly plugin config ?

MaurizioB84 commented 2 years ago

I tried but didn't work because the device is the same but with 2 channels and the name can be set at device level and not on channels level, I think the only way to fix it will be to append -2 in case the name already exist on alexa side or change the Shelly plugin in order to retrieve the channels name and not device name, I already open the issue on Shelly plugin but maybe the same issue can happen on other plugins... can you help me with the change on your plugin?


NorthernMan54 commented 2 years ago

For the duplicate name issue, preferred fix is in the device plugin, and have it supply unique names.

One method of fixing the issue in the device plugin is to add support for the configuredName characteristic. This will allow the user to change the device name in the home app, and the Alexa plugin will pickup the updated name.

Something like this

MaurizioB84 commented 2 years ago

thanks for the suggestion, I will report it to the developer of this plugin.

gimprota76 commented 10 months ago

Ciao @MaurizioB84 ho lo stesso problema con uno Shelly 2.5 puoi aiutarmi a risolvere ? Il duplicate name del plug in Alexa ? Ho fatto diverse prove ma non sono riuscito grazie in anticipo