NorthernMan54 / homebridge-alexa

Expose your homebridge controlled devices to Amazon Alexa.
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Doorbell isn't being triggered #505

Closed GrumpyGoslin closed 2 years ago

GrumpyGoslin commented 2 years ago


I have setup my nest hello (wired) doorbell to alert when someone press the button through homebridge-google-nest-sdm and this is happening successfully, with a notification appearing on multiple apple devices

I want to then get Alexa to notify everyone that this has happened as well. However it doesn't seem to trigger at all.

Alexa App can see a Device as a "Front Doorbell" through homebridge-alexa and I have enabled it in the app.

Is there something I am missing? Here is the config

            "name": "Alexa",
            "username": "xxxxx",
            "password": "xxxxx",
            "pin": "same-as-homebridge",
            "routines": true,
            "blind": false,
            "door": false,
            "debug": false,
            "deviceListHandling": "allow",
            "platform": "Alexa"
NorthernMan54 commented 2 years ago

A few questions

1 - what is your account status on Can you share a screen shot of the status.

2 - Any log messages in the homebridge console

GrumpyGoslin commented 2 years ago

Thanks for getting back so fast image

I do get some messages about Duplicates which I am not sure I can do anything about....

`[28/02/2022, 14:15:50] [Alexa] ERROR: HAP Discovery failed, please review config

[28/02/2022, 14:23:12] [Alexa] WARNING: Duplicate device name Front Door Doorbell

[28/02/2022, 14:23:12] [Alexa] WARNING: Duplicate device name Front Door Doorbell

[28/02/2022, 14:23:12] [Alexa] WARNING: Duplicate device name Kitchen Camera

[28/02/2022, 14:23:12] [Alexa] WARNING: Duplicate device name Living Room Camera`

GrumpyGoslin commented 2 years ago

Just an update on this, I can create a routine that works with the motion detection and announces itself, so just seems to be the doorbell trigger that isn't being processed

NorthernMan54 commented 2 years ago

The warnings are just a warning and not an issue

this is concerning, as the message is only triggered when no devices are being passed to Alexa

ERROR: HAP Discovery failed, please review config

and I’m wondering if this is blocking something, "deviceListHandling": "allow", without a device list

also item 6 on the status updates for each doorbell or sensor message, so it should update for a doorbell press.

GrumpyGoslin commented 2 years ago

So after I wired up the motions events it's started to work which I find probably a coincidence.

There is a 10 second delay however so I am now investigating the root behind it. It is probably related to 458 so will try narrowing the deviceListHandling as suggested.

Great plugin though. So great to be able to wire up my Nest doorbell to Alexa where most sites say it can't be done.


NorthernMan54 commented 2 years ago

Tks for the update