NorthernMan54 / homebridge-alexa

Expose your homebridge controlled devices to Amazon Alexa.
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Dropped event message, message rate too high? #547

Closed Pblondin123 closed 1 year ago

Pblondin123 commented 1 year ago

Hi, i added a couple events this week which are causing the dropped event message to come in regularly. Are you aware if this can be bumped higher at all and if not do you have any recommendation (other that bundle events in one routine which is what i started to do but feel stuck coding workarounds :-) Thanks.

NorthernMan54 commented 1 year ago

Do you have any sensors that are just creating noise events and could be filtered out from your configuration?

Pblondin123 commented 1 year ago

Hi i did this a while ago. In the meantime i trimmed some unneeded triggers since i manage some from directly with HK. it should cut by half my number triggers going to Alexa which was about 10. Maybe that will help will monitor. If there is no way to boost the number messages going to Alexa it's fine (and to bad) just wanted to check if that was feasible thanks.

NorthernMan54 commented 1 year ago

The limiter is coded here in the plugin

The comments are incorrect, as the current settings are

1 message every 10 seconds ( 10,000 milli seconds - minTime ), and a backlog of 10 events before dropping new events and displaying the message.

you could try tuning the settings slightly to see if it helps

Pblondin123 commented 1 year ago

Thanks. Sounds like i will have to tweak my automations to space up in time the triggers so that i don’t get more than 10 in the backlog. Am too chicken to change the code! Suggestion would be to parameter it unless it s a restriction with the Alexa cloud. Closing thanks.