NorthernMan54 / homebridge-cmd-television

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Question: Adding a second, third ATV #13

Closed MatGriffin closed 2 years ago

MatGriffin commented 2 years ago

Great plugin, working flawlessly with 1 ATV but how do I set up for a second ATV?

A-vesalius commented 2 years ago

Do install steps 1-7 for each appletv, but change the name of the fle stored to something different for each atv in steps 5&6. for example ~/.homebridge/atv2_airplay.cred or ~/.homebridge/masteratv_AirPlay.cred.

follow the example configuration "accessories": [ to add a complete new accessory for each of your atv's but reference the appropriate corresponding saved files for each, for example cat ~/.homebridge/atv2_airplay.cred --companion-credentials cat ~/.homebridge/atv2_companion.cred

MatGriffin commented 2 years ago

Great, thank you :)